Tour of Duty Notification! | 4 Years | Agnipath Recruitment Scheme

Tour of duty agnipath
Tour of duty agnipath

Tour of Duty in Indian Army, that is, Agnipath Recruitment Scheme at a glance:

Tour of Duty in Indian Army= Agnipath Recruitment Scheme
Year of Service under Tour of duty= 4 years
Salary in Tour of Duty Agnipath Recruitment Scheme= Rs. 40,000-45,000/- per month along with insurance facility
Is Tour of Duty Agnipath Recruitment Scheme a permanent job? No. On contract basis for 4 years
Training period in Tour of Duty Agnipath Recruitment Scheme= 6 Months
Age limit of Tour of Duty Agnipath Recruitment Scheme= 17.5 years to 21 years
Is Notification of Tour of Duty Agnipath Recruitment Scheme released? Yes
Total Vacancies in 1st recruitment? Around 45,000 vacancies
What after 4 years? Only best of best will be retained in Indian army for 15 year of service. Around 70-75% army personnel will be laid off after 4 years
Is there pension after Tour of Duty Agnipath Recruitment Scheme? No
What will one get after 4 years of service? They can get loan of 12 lakh (Seva Nidhi) as a support to get back into mainstream. Department of Military Affairs will assist you in getting a secondary career option
Is insurance facility available in Agnipath Recruitment Scheme? Yes
Is this Officer level entry No (at the level of Jawan)

Tour of Duty- Agnipath Scheme Explained!

Hello defence aspirants. After receiving thousands of requests on this article, we are back with A to Z details of “Tour of Duty- Indian Army Agnipath Recruitment Scheme” to clear all your doubts. We will discuss each and every aspect of Tour of Duty Indian Army ranging from age limit, eligibility criteria, in-hand salary, education qualification, career opportunities after the tour of duty, etc and many more things which will give you genuine information and a strong reason to join Indian Armed Forces via ‘Tour of Duty’ Indian Army Officer Entry.

'Tour of Duty' Indian Army

Tour of Duty in Indian Army has brought A Ray of Hope for many aspirants who were not able to join the Indian Armed Forces due to some reasons. Many aspirants who are serving in private sector can take benefit from this entry. We will also discuss commonly asked questions related to Tour of Duty-Indian Army.

Commonly Asked Questions related to 'Tour of Duty' Discussed in this Article:

  1. Can we earn 20-22 Lakhs in these 4 years of Service?
  2. Will there be SSB Interview after the written exam or not?
  3. Is Age limit of ‘Tour of Duty’ 17.5 to 21 years?
  4. Career opportunities after 4 years of Tour of Duty
  5. Is Work Profile Same as other PC or SSC Officers?
  6. Number of Vacancies for Officer and Jawan Entry
  7. Is ‘Tour of Duty’ available for Female aspirants?
  8. ‘Tour of Duty-Indian Army’ Exam Pattern and Syllabus

This is a One-Stop Solution for “Tour of Duty-Indian Army” details. So, invest 10-15 minutes of busy schedule thoroughly understand this entry!

What is 'Tour of Duty' in Indian Army? (Simple Terms)

This is a new entry into the Indian Armed forces where you can serve our mother nation for 4 years in the Indian Army. It will be like a ‘Tour into working Indian Army’ and you can utilize this experience in your future private-sector jobs/business. Few important things related to Tour of Duty-Indian Army Agnipath Recruitment Scheme:

  1. It is like a Contract-Basis job in Indian Army.
  2. You will get salary and facilities only during those 4 years.
  3. After the completion of 4 years, you will get upper edge in private sector
  4. Moto of ‘Tour of Duty in Indian Army’ is to utilize the Youth Workforce of India and reduce the excess burden of salaries and pensions of Indian Army Officers (explained in detail below in this article!)
Type of Commission Years of Service Pension
Permanent Commission Depends on Post. For Example:

General- 62 years or 3 years of service (whichever earlier)

Lt. General-60 years
Major General-58 years
Short Service Commission 10-14 Years No
Tour of Duty 4 Years of Service No

Also Check: Competitive Exams After Graduation (23+ Exams for Class 1 Post)

What was the need to introduce 'Tour of Duty' in Indian Army?

Many aspirants may think that it was an attempt to fill the vacant Indian Army vacancies and reduce unemployment. But this is not the case. Let’s understand the main reason for the Introduction of ‘Tour of Duty’ in Indian Army.

Pensions and Salaries together constitutes 76% of the Indian Army’s budget, which leaves very little room for modernization of weapons and high-end technology.

Considering the big picture, 38.1% of the Army’s Financial year 2021 budget is allocated for pensions alone which left just 8.8% for modernization of the Army (Weapons and High-End Technologies).

Credits: The Hindu

Breakdown of Defence Budget

But in case of Tour of Duty, the Indian Army will pay  for 4 years of service and will not be liable to pay after that. This will save a huge amount of expenses (which are on the other hand spent on SSC and PC Officers!). These saved expenses will be utilized in modernisation of Indian Army.

A huge amount of money is spent on Salaries, Pension, Gratuity, Leave encashment, Medical facilities through the Ex-servicemen Cooperative Health Scheme ( ECHS) on SSC, and PC Officers. Let’s take the example of Short Service Commission Officer:

10 Years of Service 5.12 Crore
14 Years of Service 6.83 Crore
3 Years of Service (Newly Proposed) 20-22  Lakhs

So, expenses on Tour of Duty Officer will be far less than SSC or PC officer. This will give a free hand for investing this money in modernization.

In Tour of Duty, the Indian Army will drastically reduce expenses on Officers and focus more on modernization. And Most important is that the Indian Army will recruit Officers in their Youthful Stage (Highly Productive Phase of Life!)

Benefits of ‘Tour of Duty’ from Aspirant Point of View:

  1. Opportunity to Serve Mother Nation for 4 Years.
  2. The best opportunity for aspirants who want to take the experience of Military as well as Civilian life
  3. Good Job Opportunities in other government sectors and private sectors after 4 years of ‘Tour of Duty’
  4. Can utilize military experiences in Private Job/ Business
  5. Fulfil the dream of wearing the uniform.

Also Check: Join Indian Army as an Officer (15+ Ways!)

In-Hand Salary of Officer via 'Tour of Duty' in Indian Army

In-Hand Salary via recruitment through “Tour of Duty in Indian Army” will be 40,000-45,000 Indian Rupees for a period of 4 years of service

Is it true that we can earn 80-85 Lakh in just 3 years of 'Tour of Duty'?

It’s not true. 80-85 Lakhs is the total expenditure done which includes training cost and all other facilities provided. Even if we consider the average In-Hand salary to be 40,000-45,000 Indian rupees/month, the total money earned in 4 years would be 22 Lakh Rupees.

Age Limit for Tour of Duty-Indian Army Entry

Official Age Limit for ‘Tour of Duty-Indian Army’ Agnipath Scheme Entry is 17.5 to 21 years (Jawan Level)

(For territorial army exam, the upper age limit is 42 years. So, you may think that this entry will also have an age limit as high as territorial army. But that’s not the case. Purpose of Territorial Army entry and ‘Tour of Duty’ is different!)

Career Opportunities after 'Tour of Duty' in Indian Army (Private + Government)

Believe me guys, apart from Pubic sector and government jobs, there will also be a great opportunity in the Private sector for people who have completed “Tour of Duty” in the Indian Army.

“Considering the rigid standards of selection and training in the Indian Army, the Mahindra Group will be happy to consider their candidature”

Anand Mahindra (Chairman of Mahindra Group)

Eligibility Criteria for Tour of Duty Entry?

Age Limit for Tour of Duty Indian Army is 17.5 years to 21 years

Number of Vacancies in "Tour of Duty-Indian Army" for Officer and Jawans?

  • Number of Vacancies for Officer Entry: 00
  • Number of Vacancies for Jawan Entry: Around 45,000 in first drive

These vacancies will be increased based on the response and productivity of this entry. So, the above vacancies will be applicable for the upcoming exam.

Also Check: Tips to Crack IAS Exam in First Attempt (Just Give a Try!)

Can we extend the term of service after 3 years in 'Tour of Duty of Indian Army'?

No. Maximum period of service through “Tour of Duty-Indian Army” is 3 Years.

Will there be SSB Interview for 'Tour of Duty' in Indian Army?

‘Tour of Duty in Indian Army’ is available for entry as a jawan. So, no SSB Interview

Exam Pattern and Syllabus of 'Tour of Duty' in Indian Army Entry

Exam Pattern and Syllabus of ‘Tour of Duty’ is not yet released officially. But it is expected to be on the line of Territorial army exam. I would suggest you to check syllabus of territorial army exam and prepare as per terrritorial army strategy.

Check Explanatory video on "Tour of Duty in Indian Army" (Very Helpful!)

Reading the article and ‘Watching Video’ is an altogether a different experience!

Various Exams to be Officer in Indian Armed Forces:

Instead of waiting for ‘Tour of Duty‘ Exam Notification, it’s recommended to start preparing for other exams based on your age limit and educational qualification.

  1. NDA Exam (After 12th Standard): Click Here
  2. CDS Exam(After Graduation): Click Here
  3. AFCAT Exam (After Graduation): Click Here
  4. INET Exam (After Graduation): Click Here
  5. Territorial Army Exam (Upper Age Limit is 42 Years): Click Here 
  6. 15+ Ways to Join Indian Army as an Officer: Click Here

And if you still have any doubts, feel free to ask in the comment section below. Your doubts will be cleared within 24 hours by our team.

Jai Hind!


  1. Anurag k

    Best article on tour of duty..thanks

  2. Anurag k

    And pls inform once notification is out

  3. Fauran khan

    Jai hind sirji

  4. Fauran khan

    It’s a very happy news for mewill surely make it this time

  5. Shubham patil

    When will be the exam conducted? Pls specify sir. btw article is very helpful and informative

  6. Shubhangi

    Thanks for clarity about exam

  7. Rohan shah

    One of the best blog on this website. Keep it up

  8. Shreyas Kadu

    Wow.. good news for DEFENCE ASPIRATIONS

  9. Wajeeha

    Jai hind sir. Your support is crucial for us

  10. Raghun w

    Good article

  11. Liya Treesa aj

    I have like to join Indian army

    • Thats great. I would recommend you to read article on “15+ ways to Join Indian Army” as an officer

  12. How can I apply tour of duty application
    My heart always saying die for the country live for the country


    How to apply and
    Where was the notification information found?

  14. Priyanshu Kad

    Is this scheme only for gd? Right ?



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