Hello Air Force aspirants, Today we are here with AFCAT 2 2020 Exam Preparation article which will be a one-stop destination if you want to score 180+ marks in the upcoming AFCAT Exam. Each and every paper topics were analyzed based on previous year papers and current exam trends to design this strategy.
And if you are here to genuinely work hard on your AFCAT exam preparation, then this article can bring wonders in your preparation. We will study the best books for the AFCAT exam from basics because scoring 180+ marks will require good conceptual clarity.
Note: If you want AFCAT 2 2020 Strategy Video, directly scroll to end of this article!
AFCAT Exam Preparation | Introduction
Initially, we will have a roadmap of the AFCAT 1 2020 exam preparation. We will divide AFCAT exam into 5 parts, that is General Ability, Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability, Reasoning and EKT paper.
Each section will be analyzed in detail and the best sources will be provided via these 5 targeted sections:
- AFCAT General Ability Preparation
- AFCAT Verbal Ability Preparation
- AFCAT Numerical Ability Preparation
- AFCAT Reasoning & Military Aptitude preparation
- AFCAT EKT preparation
AFCAT Exam Topic-wise weightage will be given so that time management can be done accordingly. (Your time allotted for particular topic must be directly proportional to its weightage )
Why many aspirants fail in AFCAT Written exam?
If you analyze similar competitive exams like UPSC CDS, UPSC CAPF, etc, AFCAT is comparatively easy. Still why many aspirants fail in AFCAT written exam? Here are some reasons:
- They under-estimate the Maths section and fail to solve difficult maths questions or waste too much time on a few questions.
- English section of the AFCAT exam is tough and needs a strategic study. Good vocabulary and comprehension skills cannot be developed in one or two months.
- Many aspirants just collect AFCAT study material but never study them.
- No one wants to practice Reasoning questions, but remember that each and everyone gets 20/32 Reasoning and Military aptitude questions correct (as these questions are very easy)
Real difference is between those
10-12 questions
which you can solve only with ample practice.
How to prepare for AFCAT Exam?
Complete AFCAT exam preparation can be done in 3-4 months if you are dedicated enough to study 4-5 hours as per the given strategy.
We will now discuss each section of AFCAT exam preparation one by one. Just make sure you make notes of each point that will be covered in this strategy and also AFCAT study material.
(And have faith in this AFCAT exam preparation strategy because hundreds of aspirants on “Sarkaari Service Youtube Channel” have achieved success with this strategy and these AFCAT exam books)
Also Check: CDS Exam GK paper strategy (Score 50+ Marks)
AFCAT Exam Pattern: (Needed for analysis)
AFCAT exam comprises of 2 papers:
- AFCAT Main paper (300 marks) = Compulsory for all aspirants.
- AFCAT EKT paper (50 Marks) = Only for technical graduates.
Exam | AFCAT Exam | EKT (for Technical Graduates) |
Number of Questions | 100 | 50 |
Total Marks | 300 | 50 |
Mark for 1 Question | 3 | 1 |
Exam time | 120 minutes | 45 Minutes |
Time for 1 Question: | 1.2 minutes | 54 Seconds |
Negative Marking | 1 | 1 |
Our main focus will be on AFCAT Main Paper of 300 marks in which 100 questions are asked. These 100 questions are divided into the following 4 subjects:
General Ability (GK): | 25 Questions |
Verbal Ability in English: | 25 Questions |
Numerical Ability (Maths) : | 18 Questions |
Reasoning and Miltary Aptitude: | 32 Questions |

Our Realistic Target for AFCAT exam:
Questions to Attempt: | 67-70 Questions |
Correct Questions (Minimum) | 62 Questions |
Wrong Answers (Maximum) | 4-5 Questions |
Our Final Score | 186-5=181 Marks |
If you will attempt fewer questions than this, you are anyway not clearing the cutoff. So, try to keep your attempt high.
AFCAT General Ability Preparation

Your complete AFCAT GK preparation can be done from one single book, that is, Lucent GK. But there are some important points which you need to consider while studying from this source.
Number of pages of each topic given in this book (Back to back)
Indian History | 63 Pages |
World History | 15 Pages |
Geography | 41 Pages |
Indian Polity | 40 Pages |
Indian Economy | 41 Pages |
Physics | 25 Pages |
Chemistry | 22 Pages |
Biology | 26 Pages |
This to remember before reading this book:
- The above-given pages may seem less, but this book is very compact and contains ample information.
- You need to revise this book 1-2 times before the exam. Otherwise, you cannot recall data at the time of the exam.
- You also need to be aware of current affairs happening around, especially Awards, military exercises and authors of famous books.
- No need for NCERT study if you will revise this book properly.
- No notes making. As this book is in itself a comprehensive notes.
Also Check: CDS English paper strategy (Score 60+ Marks)
AFCAT Verbal Ability Preparation

English is considered as scoring subject in CDS exam, but that’s not the case for the AFCAT exam. AFCAT English section is comparatively tough and needs detailed preparation which will develop your vocabulary and English skills. So, what to do now? We will focus on 4 pillars of AFCAT English Section and see how we can master those 4 topics in minimum time.

Genuine efforts on these 4 topics of AFCAT English paper can help you to solve 15 correct questions out 25.
Best sources for AFCAT English Preparation:
- Solve and study these 4 topics from previous 4-5 year question papers (means around 10 English papers)
- Daily 3 editorial reading from English newspaper for 2-3 months (for Vocabulary + Comprehension skills)
- Grammar rules of Error detection and preposition from youtube + CDS Pathfinder English section. (Believe me, there are some 45-50 rules of error detection, which once done, you can solve 100% correct questions)
- You can get a list online of the previous year’s asked Idioms and Phrases. There are chances that few can repeat among that list. (If you will read this list two times, you will never forget those for lifetime)
- Comprehension practice from previous year papers in a test-like environment.
Let us see some sample questions asked in AFCAT English Section:

You do not need any coaching or a specific book for AFCAT English Preparation. The above strategy will be highly helpful if followed properly. And, if you still have any doubts, feel free to ask in the comment section below.
AFCAT Numerical Ability Preparation

We have analyzed various AFCAT exam papers and found that all AFCAT Maths questions are asked from these 8 topics. You just need to master these 8 important chapters for AFCAT Exam preparation:
- Decimal Fraction
- Time and Work
- Average
- Profit and Loss
- Percentage
- Ratio and Proportion
- Speed, Time and Distance
- Simple Interest
You need to study these 8 topics in detail because higher-level questions are asked in AFCAT exam. And most important,
You need to study these 8 topics from the best book for AFCAT exam, that is, Fastrack Arithmetic by Arihant Publication.
Why Fastrack Arithmetic book is best for AFCAT exam?
- Every topic of this book contains Difficulty -wise exercises. That is, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 which contains questions in increasing order of difficulty. And once the last level is done, you are perfect in that topic.
- Every chapter has “Fastrack tips” (shortcut tips) at the beginning of the chapter.
- It contains A to Z coverage of these 8 topics and previous year questions of various similar exams are added periodically.
Let us see some sample questions asked in AFCAT Maths Section:

Also Check: CDS Maths preparation Strategy (Score 60+ Marks)
AFCAT Military Aptitude preparation

This is the most scoring section of AFCAT exam preparation. You can score as high as 32/32 correct questions if you follow simple tips which I will be revealing today.
You will need to develop “Analytical Ability” as per the steps I will provide you along with the best book for its study.
The best book for AFCAT reasoning and military aptitude is “Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning-By RS Agarwal” whose latest version is 582 pages and all we need is to study the second half part of this book. Just make sure you study this book very smartly.
Let us see 11 important topics to cover from the Latest version of Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning book:
- Analogy
- Logical Venn Diagram
- Series of Diagrams
- Classification
- Analytical Reasoning
- Completion of incomplete pattern
- Mirror Image
- Figure Matrix
- Paper Cutting
- Dot Situation
- Figure Formation
In spite of repeating the same pattern in AFCAT exam, why can’t we score good marks? Because our analytical ability must be developed to solve these problems in a given time constraint and this can be done only if you study the above 11 chapters from the given book.
Let us see some sample questions asked in AFCAT Reasoning and Military Aptitude Section:

How to prepare for the AFCAT EKT exam?
AFCAT EKT exam is only for technical graduates who want to apply for technical posts via AFCAT exam. EKT exam of AFCAT is conducted for Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer science branches.
It will test your basic engineering knowledge over the subjects you have studied in 4 years of Engineering.
Best book for AFCAT EKT exam:
S Chand’s conventional and objective type book is available for all branches of engineering which contains 5000+ objective questions with hints.
This book will help to do a comprehensive preparation for AFCAT EKT Exam.
How to prepare for AFCAT Exam in 15 days
When you are planning to crack the AFCAT exam in 15 days or even 1 month’s time, then your focus must be to cover only GK syllabus and Reasoning syllabus as told in this article. Some English questions can be attempted even without any specific study. And don’t focus on Maths at all.
This can help you to be somewhere around cutoff marks.
Also Check: CDS Exam Eligibility (Things no one like to tell)
AFCAT SSB Interview Preparation:
Interview which you have to face after AFCAT Exam is called AFSB. AFSB stands for Air Force Selection Board.
AFSB and SSB interview have the same procedure and rules with some additional tests for AFSB.
AFSB also conducts PABT (Pilot Aptitude Battery Test) and CBSS Exams which are for those candidates who have applied for flying branch in Air Force.
The rest all is the same.
Also Check: CDS OTA Exam strategy (Score 90+ Marks)
What if I fail AFCAT EKT Exam?
You can crack AFCAT exam even if you fail the EKT Exam of AFCAT.
In this case, you need to clear cut off marks for Non-technical posts, which means cut off, which is calculated out of 300 Marks. Just follow AFCAT exam preparation tips as told.
How to prepare for AFCAT Exam Quora:
Many students keep on asking “How to prepare for AFCAT exam Quora” and “AFCAT exam strategy” but do not get satisfactory answers and keep on reading some other content which eventually wastes their precious time.
So, set back, relax and follow this tried and tested AFCAT Exam strategy.
You can also watch AFCAT Exam strategy video which can give you more detail understanding:
Now, you have a detailed analysis of the AFCAT exam paper and also step by step strategy to crack AFCAT exam. So, start preparation as early as possible without wasting any time.
You will never get 1 single
best book for AFCAT preparation
. These AFCAT exam books are genuine sources from which direct questions can be seen in various exams
What do I expect from you aspirants?
I have a few expectations from you:
- If you think this article helpful, share it with needy friends so that no AFCAT aspirant is directionless in AFCAT Exam preparation.
- I need your genuine reviews about ‘AFCAT exam tips’ in the comment section. I will improve the content as per your requirements.
AFCAT 2 2020 Detailed Preparation Strategy by our Team:
And if you have any doubts, feel free to ask in the comment section below.
Awesome strategy. This strategy helped me to score 208 marks. Sir, please guide for SSB interview preparation also. Thanks in advance.
thanks alot. Your words matters alot.
good content as usual. Thanks. wil crack AFCAT 1 2020 Exam
thanks mam
Best strategy made till now. My main focus is CDS Exam, but will prepare for AFCAT 2020 exam also parallely. Keep helping us
you can manage both exams if you study strategically.
Content is good. I will suggest if you will make teaching videos for AFCAT it will be more helpful
point noted. Will start soon
Very very very helpful. Jai hind
jai hind. Make sure you share with needy aspirants
Analysis and topicwise weightage of AFCAT 1 2020 Exam is very accurate…
Thanks. Make sure you share with friends
Can I know when CDS OTA strategy will be out? This is my last attempt
It will be released in a day or two. stay connected
Thank you sir for giving right direction and proper strategy.
Jai hind. Your words motivate me to make such valuable content for you.
Where is the book for GK you are talking about ? Is there any book or link? Please provide
check description box of our youtube videos for A to Z books
sir,thank you so much for your tips and strategy in a detailed way.Its a humble request from my side to upload youtube vedioes in English,because i dont know hindi (iam in learning stage).Many south indians like me will be benifitted if you explain in english sir in youtube vedioes.English can be understood by anyone (especially people preparing for AFCAT.Thank you so much sir
Saikiran, you can follow strategies on website which are exclusively in English. Because making videos in English will not reach to many aspirants.
Hello sir actually I have already bought a book for reasoning by arihant aithor bs sijwali, is it enough for afcat or should i still go ahead and purchase book by rs agarwal…
No idea about It..I have recommended the books based on my personal experience as well as input from 4-5 toppers of 2019 batch
Hi, thank you for this article! It has got me motivated to start my preparation!
Can you please let me know if there’s any update in this for 2021? I would like to start my preparation now, but an only appear for AFCAT in 2023
First time , I found such a comprehensive article for afcat.. thank you so much. There was always a fear in my mind that I can’t do it , but today I get a high level confidence..thank youuuuu
Thanks for your valuable words! Will never let you down