Hello defence warriors. Last few days are left for AFCAT 2 2020 Exam and its time to gear up for the exam. Studying for last 4-5 months does not guarantee you success if you do not revise and take sufficient MCQ Practice, because you also need to develop a skill to tackle exam and reduce exam fear. AFCAT Exam is conducted in online mode. So, it also becomes crucial to be familiar with the mode of examination and manage time properly during examination. This can be easily done if you will follow these 13+ Last Minute tips for AFCAT Exam.
Considering the common mistakes done by the aspirants, we have well designed “Last minute tips for AFCAT Exam” so that you do not repeat the mistakes done by other aspirants. You may take these 13 tips lightly, but remember that it can waste your attempt. So, be serious about these topper tips for AFCAT Exam.
Last Minute Tips for AFCAT 2 2020 Exam (Score 190-200 Marks)
Also watch “AFCAT Last Minute Tips Video” provided at the end of this article!
Apart from conventional Tips to clear AFCAT Exam, there are few more tips which are necessary to implement after the COVID-19 outbreak. So, without wasting any point, let us begin with last minute tips for AFCAT Exam to score 200+ Marks in AFCAT 2 2020.
1. Be Physically Fit and Take Precautions till exam Date- Due to COVID-19 (Not a Joke!)
You may think that its not that important. So, let me tell you one example. For IIT JEE Exam conducted in 2020 (in last week), temperature test was done at few exam centers and aspirants with high temperature were not allowed to enter the exam hall. This any also happen with AFCAT Exam considering the increasing number of COVID-19 Patients.
This small mistake can prohibit your entry into exam hall and eventually waste your attempt.
2. Consider this as your First and Last Attempt (No procrastination due to Graduation Exams)
You just need 1 attempt to make it through. So, do not keep procrastinating things. Work smartly with consistency. AFCAT is a predictable exam. You can clear the exam if you follow the AFCAT Preparation strategy provided by us.
And if you worked hard for remaining days, and if you unfortunately failed to clear AFCAT Exam, there is no loss. Because you will be one step ahead of other aspirants in terms of preparation for next attempt.
3. Don't run behind Current Affairs like Crazy! (Understand weightage and be Smart Enough!)
Go through this AFCAT Exam Weightage (Which remains same for every attempt):
General Awareness: | 25 Questions |
Verbal Ability in English: | 25 Questions |
Numerical Ability : | 18 Questions |
Reasoning and Military Aptitude: | 32 Questions |
Only 25 Questions will be asked from AFCAT GK Section in which majority of chunk will be from Static Questions of Polity, Economy, Geography. Only 7-8 questions will be asked from current affairs out of which few questions are predictable. Like:
- Defence Exercises
- Country, Capital, currency
- Sports related terms
So, be smart in AFCAT Preparation and focus on “Cost Benefit Analysis“
4. Mock Test Practice is Very Very Crucial (We provide FREE AFCAT Mock Test!)
Preparation of AFCAT Exam is different thing. And practice of AFCAT specific questions and Mock Tests is different thing You can be successful in scoring 200+ Marks in AFCAT Exam only if you do the combination of these 2 things.
And don’t worry. You can also give AFCAT Free Mock Tests on our platform. So, be self enlightened and follow tips as told.
5. Don't waste time in checking Questions and Difficulty Level of Shift 1 and Shift 2
This time, AFCAT Exam will be conducted on 3rd, 4th and 5th of October. It is generally seen that aspirants who have exam om 5th October spend maximum time in analysing the last 2 days papers and difficulty level of each shift. This will waste your lot of time. So, better focus on revision in last two days. It can help you in AFCAT Exam tremendously (Revision and Practice is the Key to success!)
6. If you are preparing from last 4-5 months, you will recall in exam (As pattern remains same!)
AFCAT Exam is conducted by Indian Air Force. So, its pattern will be more or less same for each and every attempt (AFCAT does not give shocks like CDS, CSE, NDA, CAPF which are conducted by UPSC)
No other exam has well defined weightage and pattern like AFCAT. So, take benefit of it.
So, if you are preparing for AFCAT from last 3-4 months as per AFCAT Strategy, then your aim for last 2 weeks must be only revision and practice! You will definitely make it through!
7. Your Aim must be crystal clear (Min 65-70 correct attempt)- And roadmap to achieve it!
Your aim must be clear if you want t perform in exam. If you will randomly go for the exam and go with the flow, you will end up solving less number of questions and will regret after the exam. So, your aim must be clear, and also strategy to achieve that aim.
For Example:
- If your aim is 180 Marks, then you must also know that from where you will score this.
- For 180 score, you must get 60 questions correct.
- This 60 correct aim can be achieved by many ways considering you strong areas. But I highly recommend to score 50 correct in Military Aptitude and Mathematics itself. Its predictable and same type of questions repeat in each attempt.
- You also must have clear idea that which sections of AFCAT Exam will you tackle in first 1 hour. So that maximum correct questions are done initially. It will boost your confidence and you can aim for 200+ in such systematic approach!
8. Which Question will you solve first ? (Easy Tips in which you have 100% Confidence!)
Simple Rule:
Irrespective of your educational qualification, you all must tackle Military aptitude and reasoning aptitude + Mathematics section first. This will give you around 50 correct questions if you have followed AFCAT preparation strategy. Also analyse AFCAT Syllabus and weightage before going for exam.
General Awareness: | 25 Questions |
Verbal Ability in English: | 25 Questions |
Numerical Ability(Highly predictable questions): | 18 Questions |
Reasoning and Military Aptitude (Easiest): | 32 Questions |
9. Be Familiar with Online AFCAT Exam Pattern (Give Free Mock Test!)
Many aspirants are afraid of online form of exam. So, its better to give atleast 2-3 AFCAT Mock Test so that you are familiar with the exam process and exact AFCAT Exam pattern. You must know following parameters of AFCAT Online exam:
- How to proceed to next question
- How to mark for review
- How to check whether question is answered or not
- Unanswered Questions
- Where to check time left
- Where is our test ID and other personal details
- At the end of test, where can we see Attempted Questions, etc
- Where is the SUBMIT Test Button located, so that we do not press it by mistake
10. Go through whole Question paper in first 2-3 Minutes!
Do not start the test from the first question seen on the screen. Go through all the 100 Questions in 2-3 minutes. And begin solving questions from that section in which you are extremely strong and confident enough.
11. In Last week, you must solve atleast 5 AFCAT Mock Tests
We provide AFCAT Mock Test exactly in the same pattern of actual AFCAT Exam. So, take benefit of it. For upcoming attempt, I will make sure that you have 10-15 AFCAT Mock Tests for rigorous practice.
You can also get Sample AFCAT Question papers on official AFCAT Website 1-2 weeks before examination. So, take benefit of it.
12. Strictly No new Topic study in last 2 Weeks! (Only Revision)
Many aspirants do this mistake of learning new concepts in last week. They think that maximum they study, maximum will be the output. But that’s not the case. You can recall what you have studied only if you have done revision in last 2 weeks.
So Last 2 Weeks: Revision + Question Practice
13. Time Management is very Crucial in AFCAT Exam (especially first 60 minutes)
First 60 Minutes of AFCAT Exam will make sure that you will clear the AFCAT Exam or not. So, focus on your strong areas initially and make sure that you have solved atleast 50 correct questions in first 1 hour (which ever section it may be!)
It will boost your confidence like anything! And you could tackle complex and difficult questions after you are damn sure about scoring 150 Marks in just first 1 hour!
14. Do not waste time in calculating number of questions attempted!
At the time of exam, your main aim must be to solve as many questions as possible that too with accuracy. If you will keep on counting attempted questions, it will take your 3 minutes. Instead of wasting this time here, try to solve additional 3-4 questions which will increase your score by atleast 10 marks.
15. Read Admit Card twice and follow A to Z Instructions (Many aspirants forget to read!)
Reading AFCAT Admit Card instructions is very important, which most of the aspirants neglect.

16. Be present at Exam Center 10-15 minutes before reporting time
Your body will take some time to adjust to the exam center (Mentally + Physically). So, don’t act over smart and be present at the exam well before the time.
17. Be focused and Calm in last week of preparation
Follow all above tips and tricks to crack AFCAT Exam in first attempt. And keep calm during last crucial days. You can also do meditation to achieve it.
18. AFCAT Exam is not a test match. Its a T20!
You will not be selected on the level of knowledge you have, but on the basis of number of correct questions you solve (Be practical!). So, remember that your efficiency must be maximum during the 120 minutes of Examination, which will decide whether you will make it through or not!
(And this mastery will come only with Practice and Revision). Be connected with Sarkaari service for AFCAT Mock Tests.
Watch this Video for 15+ Last Minute Tips for AFCAT Exam (For Best Experience!)