If you want to be part of CDS 1 2023 merit list, then this CDS Exam English strategy is especially for you so that your CDS English preparation gets a direction. Individual cutoff for all the 3 papers is 20 marks each, but actual cutoff ranges between 125-130 marks for IMA and INA, 85-90 marks for OTA (out of 200) and 145+ for Indian Air Force. To score such high scores, it becomes compulsory to score as high as 65+ marks in CDS English to clear cutoff. (Because scoring in GK is very tough as compared to English).
CDS English paper Preparation | Introduction
This article on CDS English paper strategy will give you an analysis of CDS English paper and also step by step preparation tips which you need to follow rigorously to score high marks in English. In the race to qualify General Knowledge paper and Maths paper, English paper is fully neglected by aspirants considering it as easy paper, eventually failing to clear the overall cutoff marks. Our strategy on CDS English preparation will:
- Improve your English grammar skills with some practical methods.
- Questions, like Spotting the error, arranging the sentences, close passage, will become very easy topics for you with our techniques of CDS Exam preparation.
- Passage questions will seem very easy due to systematic newspaper reading practice.
- Vocabulary will also increase so that Synonyms and Antonyms are doable.
This whole process of CDS English preparation needs a systematic approach. Reading one single book for CDS English will not suffice. Things which I will tell in this video will be easy but will require patience and consistency for 3-4 months (Because our aim is to score 65+ marks in English paper, not just passing)
Why is English the most underestimated subject in CDS exam?
Qualifying in CDS English paper is very easy. I will even say that scoring 35-40 marks in English is also possible without any specific study, but if your focus is to score highly competitive marks (65+) then analysis and smart study of CDS English paper is a must. I have done deep research of previous year papers of CDS English and even scored 68-73 marks in my 3 attempts of CDS exam.
So, be relaxed and focus on how to effectively follow this strategy for upcoming CDS exam English preparation.

If English paper is so easy, why can’t you score 70+ marks?
My very simple question is that if you neglect CDS English paper study, then why can’t you score as high as 65+ marks in English? Why are you stuck between 35-40 marks?
You need good grammatical knowledge, good analysis of passages and rigorous practice before the exam which can be indulged with this systematic CDS English preparation strategy. So let us start with the actual strategy in step by step approach.
Also Read: CDS GK preparation (Score 60+ Marks)
Realistic Target setting for CDS English paper: (Aim:65 marks)
It is necessary to be very specific and target-oriented to score 65+ marks in CDS English paper. You need to have a tremendous practice to solve in a given time as time issue arises in English paper of CDS 1 2020 exam.
If you have a good practice of managing time in CDS English preparation and Question paper practice, the actual exam will be an easy task for you. (So, work hard while preparation)
Subject | Duration | Marks | Questions |
English | 2 hours | 100 | 120 |
Mathematics | 2 hours | 100 | 100 |
General Knowledge | 2 hours | 100 | 120 |
All these three papers of CDS exam are conducted on the same day. The first paper is of English and you need to kick start your day with good English attempt so that it has a good effect on GK and Maths paper.
English paper will comprise of 120 questions for 100 marks, “means one question for 0.833 mark” with One Third Negative Marking. So, to get 65 marks, your Aim must be,
Correct Answers (Minimum) | 80-81 questions out of 120 |
Wrong Answers (Maximum) | 4-5 |
Time for One English Question | 1 minute |
Aim to score in English paper: | 65 marks |
So, now our aim is crystal clear. 80 correct questions, which needs grammatical knowledge, ample practice, and best sources to study (stick to this strategy). You may be thinking that solving 80 questions is a difficult task, but with practice it’s possible. I have seen aspirants attempting 90-95 questions in the CDS exam with accuracy. It’s important that which questions you choose to solve in 120 minutes. You still have the option to leave 40 questions out of 120 as per our target. (means around 80 correct)
You can master this skill if you have worked hard on CDS english preparation and analyzed CDS English paper syllabus correctly. I have done this thing for you, just make sure you utilize it.
Step 1: How to start English Preparation for CDS exam?

We will start our CDS English preparation with the Grammar section of English. The book you should have is English Grammar by “Wren and Martin”. You will not get any question from this book, but if will do conceptual grammar study from this book, indirectly it will be helpful in solving each and every question of English paper (120 questions).
You may be weak in English or expert at it, you must start with basic grammar study in CDS exam English preparation. Topics to cover from Wren and Martin English Grammar Book:
- The sentence
- The Subject and Predicate
- The Phrase and clause
- Part of speech
- The Noun
- The adjective (Position of adjective, correct use of adjective)
- Articles
- Verbs
- Active and Passive Voice
- Tenses: Introduction
- The use of the present and the Past tense
- The Adverb, The preposition, Position of adverb
- The Conjunction, Conjunctions and their use
This STEP 1 will give you a very strong foundation. 90% aspirants will skip this step ONE. And they will never cross the 40 marks barrier. I have given at the end of this article that which questions of CDS exam English paper will be from which source. (Table plus infographics)
(If you are weak in English and cannot understand the Wren and Martin book, take help of regional Grammar Book along with Wren and Martin to cover basic rules of above 13 chapters. Covering Wren and Martin will be extremely helpful so don’t miss it at any cost)
Step 2: Reading 4-5 articles of “The Hindu editorial” and learning 10 new words every day from The Hindu.
After completing the foundation of English grammar, the second important step of CDS exam English preparation is to read Newspaper Editorial. I have recommended The Hindu editorial because being a UPSC CDS Aspirant, you have to read The Hindu editorials for the Current Affairs section of GS paper. The only addition here is to make personal notes of 10 hard words a day and do an exercise of “Making sentences from these 10 words” before going to bed.
For Example:
7:00 am-7:45 am = Reading the Hindu 4-5 editorials with understanding
7:45 am = Make notes of 10-12 hard words you encountered in editorials
11:00 pm (night): Try to use these Hard words in sentences which should be grammatically correct.
Realistic example:
Hard word: Competence
Meaning: The fact of having the ability or skill that is needed for something
Sentence made on my own: “Confidence is temporary but competence is permanent. So, focus to be competent in life”
This is a slow process, but the results you will get out of it are worth it. This is the only method to increase vocabulary and remember that particular word for a lifetime. If you are able to make a sentence of that “Hard word” then you will never forget that word in a lifetime. Step 1 and Step 2 of CDS English preparation will lay a strong foundation for scoring 65+ marks.
Also Read: CDS Maths Preparation tips (Score 60+ Marks)
Step 3: Practicing actual CDS oriented English questions from bests sources:
Generally, all aspirants start CDS exam English preparation from this step which is not effective. After completing the first 2 steps rigorously, step 3 will be highly effective in CDS English preparation. The best source of CDS English questions practice is:
- Latest CDS Pathfinder Book
- Previous Year English question papers
CDS Pathfinder book is specially designed for CDS English study. GK study from this book is not that effective, but as far as ‘English questions practice’ is concerned, its best source. Read the basic theory of each topic from Pathfinder and solve English questions like a test. And make “notes of rules” of each type of question asked in CDS exam.
Previous year questions solving is of great importance than CDS English mock test. In the next point (Step 4), I have explained how to solve Previous year question papers to benefit the highest from it.
Step 4: Taking previous year question papers as a test: (CDS English Mock test)
This is the last step which should be taken 1 month before the actual exam as a test series. This test series will comprise of 7-8 papers and you will see the improvement of 15-20 marks in every test.
Stage 1: Download and take printout of 7-8 previous year question papers from upsc.gov.in
Stage 2: Take 1 test a day in time constraint and exam-like conditions (for 7-8 days)
Stage 3: With every test, your score will increase by 10-15 marks and the time taken to solve each question will reduce.
Stage 4: At the end of 7-8 tests, you are ready to face CDS English paper to score 65+ marks
(Note: Analyse each CDS English Mock test minutely and try to improve in the next test. With every test, you can see drastic changes and improvements in CDS English preparation. My personal Guarantee.)
This is the best CDS English test series you can have for CDS English paper that too free of cost in 100% exam-like conditions. I am here to guide you in every step but you also need to self enlightened.
I am from Hindi Medium so how should I proceed?
CDS English preparation for Hindi medium students is possible if he is ready to work hard as per strategy given. Before proceeding, I will like to tell you that, becoming Officer in Armed forces is impossible without English, which may be due to the written exam or SSB interview. And English is just a language which you can learn at any point in life.
If you will follow this CDS English strategy and read daily newspaper as told above, no one can stop you from clearing CDS English paper. You will have to take extra efforts than others and I know you will take this challenge to fulfill your dream of becoming an armed forces officer.
It’s better to start working on your weak areas from today itself. Procrastinating will only waste your time and attempts. So start your CDS English preparation as per specially designed CDS strategy.
good article sir very helpful
i have objective general english by arihant i’m referring that for grammer and yaa this time i will do more practice thanks for guidence
Yes Aniket. I will like to add few more things which you must do for CDS English Preparation:
1. The Hindu Reading (2-3 Editorials Daily)
2. Clear Basic Grammar Rules from any grammar book
3. Practicing Questions from Previous 10 year exams
And best luck for CDS preparation. Jai Hind!
wow..never saw such detailed analysis on internet
Thanks for your words. Best luck for CDS 2020
I have so bakshis English grammar book..should I use it instead of wren and Martin book
Any additional study sources are OK. But make sure that you have complied with these 3 basic rules for CDS Exam (English) Preparation.
1. The Hindu Reading (2-3 Editorials Daily)
2. Good Hold Over Basic Grammar Rules from any grammar book
3. Practicing Questions from Previous 10-year CDS Exam
Jai Hind!
Sir should I use sp bakshi’s book instead of wren and martin book
Yes you can…But I have recommended Wren and Martin considering overall English Development…which will be helpful for you in various stages of exams
Hello sir , I am currently in my 6th semester of Engineering and a total fresher. I am quite willing to prepare for CDS OTA . I really needed your guidance regarding this What do you think , should I start preparing for the CDS 2 2020? And even if I do the exam will be in November , right ? . Being from a science background I am far from the GK thing , will I be able to cover the portion in this short span of time ? Any suggestions would highly be appreciated. Thank you .
Neha, its good that you have started the preparation well ahead of others. Due to lockdown, CDS 2 2020 can be somewhere between November-December. You should start your preparation with GK (as per GK strategy- https://sarkaariservice.in/cds-gk-paper-strategy.html) and prepare for English in such a way that you score 70 Plus Marks (as cut off for OTA is much high, and Scoring high in GK is bit tough). Also watch CDS OTA Strategy (https://sarkaariservice.in/cds-ota-preparation.html) when you have time
Best of Luck for your CDS Preparation. And feel free to ask doubts if any!
Thank You sir for sharing such valuable information. My doubt is that the information shared by you remains same for CDS 2 2020? Please help sir. Jai Hind!
Yes…Strategy remains the same
Thank You so much for the help!!
Sir, the syllabus of CDS and AFCAT are same. If not provide a detail plan for AFCAT Like u did it for CDS. Thank u sir
AFCAT Strategy and CDS strategy are provided on channel and website. Please check
Thank u sir
Sir,How to download current affairs pdf from your website???
Sir wren and Martin books has many kinds like high school,mid school and answer key to them whether we need to buy all these books or kindly mention particular book with edition.
You need to focus on High school version. And don’t buy it. you will get free pdf online