Whenever we think about giving any particular exam, the first thing we do is to check the exam pattern. So, today we will see Territorial Army Exam Pattern 2020 for Officer Entry. Awareness about TA exam is much less than other defence exams. Moreover, there are various doubts related to pattern of Territorial Army Exam. So, this article will be a one stop solution for territorial army aspirants where we will cover TA exam Pattern and syllabus, section wise analysis of Territorial Army sections like GK, English, Maths and Reasoning.
Territorial Army Exam Pattern 2020
If you have well understood the Territorial Army Exam Pattern, then preparation can be done more strategically and in particular direction. For example, if you understand the sectional cut off well, then preparation can be designed considering those factors. Time management, ideal attempt, important topics of each section, Preliminary Interview Board, SSB Interview after Territorial Army Written exam, etc are also explained in this guide.
Territorial Army Exam Pattern consists of 2 papers which are divided into 2 sections each. So, let us do a detailed analysis of it.
TA Officer Exam Pattern 2020
Territorial Army Pattern for Officer Entry can be explained into 3 Stages as shown Below.

- First stage of Territorial Army exam is “The Written Test” of 400 Marks which is conducted in the month of July.
- After clearing the written exam, you have to face Preliminary Interview Board (PIB) which is like a preliminary test for being eligible for SSB interiew.
- Preliminary Interview Board (PIB) is a simple interview which will be held in your nearby locality (For example, if you are from Pune, then your PIB will be in Southern Command)
- In simple terms, it tests whether you are eligible for SSB Interview or not.
- After clearing PIB, you get a call for SSB Interview which is a 5 days interview process (similar to SSB Interview conducted for all other defence entries)
Territorial Army Pattern 2020 (Written Exam)
Written Exam of Territorial Army (Officer Entry) is conducted in the month of July. Written exam consists of Paper 1 and Paper 2 which are conducted on the same day. Both papers consists of 2 sections:
- Paper 1: Reasoning and Mathematics
- Paper 2: General Knowledge and English
Have a look at this infographics for more clarity about Territorial Army Pattern 2020:
Territorial Army Exam Pattern 2020

- As you can see above, 4 different sections are present in TA Written exam (Reasoning, Maths, GK and English)
- 50 Questions are asked from each section of Paper 1 and Paper 2.
- 2 hours are alloted for each paper (so total 4 hours of written examination)
Also Check: Territorial Army Preparation (Score 150+ Marks)
Territorial Army Cut Off Marks
TA has predefined cut off marks which you need to score for clearing exam. In order to clear the written exam of Territorial Army, you need to clear sectional cut off as well as overall cut off marks.
- Sectional Cut Off Marks: Minimum 40% in each section (Reasoning, Maths, GK and English)
- Overall Cut Off Marks: Overall 50% Marks
If you can clear both the cutoff of TA exam, then you will be eligible for stage 2 of testing.
Territorial Army Exam Details (A to Z Important Details)
Territorial Army Exam Questions | Answers |
How many times is Territorial Army Exam conducted in a year | Usually once in a year (It depends on the number of vacancies) |
Stages of TA exam | Written exam, PIB, SSB Interview, Medicals |
When is Territorial Army Exam Notification Released | Month of May |
TA Exam Date (Officer Entry) | Month of July |
How many papers are there in TA Officer Exam | 2 Papers |
Time duration of TA exam | 2 hours for each paper (total 4 hours) |
Sections in Territorial Army Exam | English, Maths, GK, Reasoning |
TOTAL Marks of Territorial Army Exam | 200 Marks (100+100) |
Territorial Army Exam Cut Off | Overall 50% with sectional 40% in each section |
Eligibility Age for Territorial Army Exam | 18-42 Years |
Eligibility Qualification for Territorial Army Exam | Graduation from any field |
Is it a permanent Job | No. You need to serve minimum 2 months in a year (which can be extended) and in cases of emergency situations |
Is promotion similar to other Indian Army PC posts | Yes (Upto Lt. Col) |
Is there pension after Territorial Army Exam | Yes. But Only if you give 20 years of physical service |
Is civilian job or personal business compulsory to apply for TA exam? | Yes. You must have a gainful employment |
Is the salary of TA Officer similar to other Indian Army Officers? | Exactly the same. But you get salary only for the time you serve in TA |
Is the Territorial Army Part of Regular “Indian Army”? | Yes |
Official website TA officer Exam | www.jointerritorialarmy.nic.in |
Territorial Army Written Exam Instructions and Rules
Territorial Army Exam Rules (This is Example of Paper 2)

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