SSC CGL Admit Card is the “Main Document” which enables you to attend the exam. (without admit card, you will not be allowed for the exam). SSC CGL exam is conducted in 3 tiers which are conducted over a span of 5-6 months. After filling the exam form, service selection board does the management of exam conduction all over India (in region wise boards) and seats are alloted to SSC CGL aspirants based on their preference and location availablility for the exam.
More than 25 lakh aspirants apply each year for SSC CGL exam. So, managing exam of these many aspirants is in itself a challenge for SSC CGL. So, its management is divided into different regions of India. You can download SSC CGL Admit card from region-wise official websites as per the step by step procedure given below in this article.
SSC CGL Admit Card
In case of other All India Exams like UPSC CDS, UPSC CSE, etc Admit card is released on a single website and seats are allocated as per our location. But in case of SSC CGL exam, aspirant needs to download SSC CGL Admit card from SSC CGL website of his particular region. There are 9 major regions all over India:
Nine Major Regions to download SSC CGL Admit Card |
Eastern Region |
Karnataka Kerala Region |
Southern Region |
North Eastern Region |
Western Region |
Madhya Pradesh Region |
Central Region |
Northern Region |
North Western Region |
All the important things associated with SSC CGL exam like downloading admit card, document verification schedules, skill test, debar test and all important notices of SSC CGL exam can be accessed through regional SSC CGL websites.
SSC CGL Admit Card Tier 1
It is expected that SSC CGL Tier 1 Admit Card to release on 11th February 2020. Because SSC CGL Tier 1 Admit Card is generally released 19-20 days before the actual SSC CGL Tier 1 exam.
For Example: SSC CGL 2018-19 Admit Card was released on 16th May for Eexam which was conducted on 4th to 19th June 2019. (19 days before exam)
After the Admit Card of SSC CGL Tier 1 is released, more than 25 lakh aspirants search for there admit card on official SSC CGL website. So due to excess load, you may not get access to your admit card. So, I recommend you to follow the step by step process to get the SSC CGL Admit Card 2020. (As soon as admit card is released, it is necessary to check the exam center so that there is no hurry on the exam day)
Also Check : SSC CGL Preparation 2020 (Guaranteed Success)
Step by Step Process to Download SSC CGL Admit Card
Let us now see the step by step process to download SSC CGL Admit card for Tier 1 from official SSC CGL Website. (In 4 Steps)
Step 1: Visit official website of Staff Selection Commission ““

Step 2: Click on “Admit Card” Tab on the upper right corner of website.
Step 3: Region-Wise List of SSC CGL Websites will appear. Click on the region you belong to.
These are the two SSC CGL Regional Websites of Karnataka region and Eastern region (for example purpose)
Step 4: Click on “Admit Card Download” and add your details (Registration ID or Roll No, Date of Birth and Captcha Code) to Access Admit Card.
Also Check : SSC CGL Full Form (Must Know Details of SSC CGL)

Even if you don’t know SSC CGL Roll Number and Registration number, you can get your SSC CGL Admit Card with the help of:
- Your Full Name
- Fathers Name
- Date of Birth
SSC CGL Admit Card Download Direct Link
Yes, you read it right. I will provide direct link to download SSC CGL Tier 1 Admit Card. Above given process is the conventional and lengthy process. When SSC CGL admit card is released, it becomes difficult to get admit card via conventiaonal method due to excess load on site. So, we will bypass the official SSC CGL website and directly access the SSC CGL admit card region wise from the list given below:
Region-Wise SSC CGL Admit Card Download
Various Regions of India for SSC CGL Exam | Names of states included in a particular region | SSC Zonal Websites to download Admit Card |
Eastern Region | Orrisa, Sikkim, West Bengal (WB) and A&N Island | |
KKR Region | Karnatka Kerala Region | |
North Western Sub-Region | Punjab, Himachal Pradesh (HP), J&K and Haryana | |
Central Region | Uttar Pradesh and Bihar | |
MP Sub-Region | Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh | |
Western Region | Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Goa | |
Southern Region | Andhra Pradesh (AP), Punduchery, and Tamilnadu | |
North Region | Delhi, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan | |
North Eastern Region | Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Nagaland | |
Also Check : SSC CGL Posts and Salary
SSC CGL Admit Card Tier 2
SSC CGL Tier 2 Admit Card downloading process is same as discussed for Tier 1. While accessing the SSC CGL Region Wise website, you can see “New Notification” symbol of Admit Card Released on the ‘Home Page’.
(Same is the case with SSC CGL Tier 3 Admit Card!)
What if the candidate is Unable to Download SSC CGL Admit Card?
If you cannot get SSC CGL Admit card for Tier 1 or tier 2, there may be 2 issues.
- Excess load on website (try after some time)
- Technical Issue (Contact SSC CGL officials as early as possible-List given below)
Important Instructions for SSC CGL Final Exam Day
Very less aspirants read the “SSC CGL Exam Instructions” which are also available for download before examination. Please do not take these intrcutions lightly because even a small thing matters alot in the examination hall. Let us see things not allowed in SSC CGL exam Hall:
Also Check : SSC CGL Result (Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4)
SSC CGL Exam Instructions and Rules Inside Exam Hall
Just filling the exam form or downloading the Admit card is not what you should be worried about. You must be worried about your SSC CGL Exam Preparation. It is a very competitive exam where every mark matters. So, follow SSC CGL Tier 1 preparation strategy if you want qualify first stage of this exam (Same for Tier 2 and 3 exams)
And if you still have any doubts, do let us know. We will bring changes on website accordingly.
Jai Hind!