SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam was conducted between 2nd March 2020 to 11 March 2020 all over India for selection of candidates for group C and Group D posts in Central Government ministries, departments and other organizations. Now, SSC CGL Result Tier 1 2019 is highly searched term related to SSC CGL exam.
In today’s article, all details related to SSC CGL Tier 1 Result will be explained in detail. Topics like ‘When is SSC CGL Result Tier 1‘, SSC Tier 1 Result declared or not, after how many days is SSC CGL Tier 1 result declared, etc will be explained and exact SSC CGL Tier 1 Result date will be given. So, stay connected till end of this article.
SSC CGL Result 2019-20
SSC CGL Exam is conducted in 4 stages, that is, Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4. You have to clear stage 1 in order to be eligible for next stages of SSC CGL Exam. So, SSC CGL Result of Tier 1 will decide future of SSC CGL aspirants who have given exam in March 2020. You must know that SSC CGL Result Tier 1 is announced on official website : in Results section. (You will be updated as soon as result will be declared!)
Download SSC CGL Result Tier 1 2019
As soon as SSC CGL Result Tier 1 2019 will be announced on, you can download the pdf copy of result as well as pdf of SSC CGL Tier 1 Result with marks from the below section. SSC CGL 2019 result for tier 1 will be divided into 3 lists (AAO, JSO and Other)
Above links will be LIVE after Result will be declared by Staff Selection Commission (Tentitive date is 18th May 2020)

This is the reference image which shows How SSC CGL result is declared on official website. You need to add personal details to proceed (exact process is explained later in this article)
Also Check: SSC CGL Tier 1 (Strategy to score 170+ Marks)
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result Date
Now we will see exact date of SSC CGL Tier 1 Result:
SSC CGL Result Tier 1 Date 2019 = 18th May 2020
Considering the previous year trends of SSC CGL Exam, Tier 1 result is declared between 75-85 days after the written exam. So, in SSC CGL Exam 2019-20, Tier 1 result is expected 18th May 2020, that is 77 days after the commensation of the written exam.
SSC CGL 2018 Exam:
SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Conducted on : 4th June to 19th June 2019
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result Declared on : 20th August 2020
SSC CGL Result Tier 1 Declared : 79 Days (after written exam)
SSC CGL 2017 Exam:
SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Conducted on : 19th June to 2nd July 2018
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result Declared on : 5-8 September 2018
SSC CGL Result Tier 1 Declared : 78 Days (after written exam)
SSC CGL 2016 Exam:
SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Conducted on : 5th August to 23rd August 2017
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result Declared on : 30th October 2017
SSC CGL Result Tier 1 Declared : 86 Days (after written exam)
SSC CGL Result Tier 1 Declared or Not?
Even after poviding such clarity about SSC CGL Result dates, many aspirants still keep on asking about dates. Guys, you must remember that Staff Selection Commission conducts various other exams along with Combined Graduate Level Exam. So, it takes time. Moreover, declaring result of an exam which is conducted all over India in 22 shifts is a time consuming and lengthy process. So, yu must expect SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2019 only after 75 days from written exam.
Check SSC CGL Result Tier 1 (Step by Step Process)
Now, we will see Step by Step process of downloading SSC CGL 2019 Tier 1 Result from Official Website.
STEP 1 : Visit Official website of Staff Selection Commission- “” .

STEP 2 : Click on Result’s section of “” website (As shown below)

STEP 3 : Click on “SSC CGL Tab” and follow steps as shown in image.

STEP 4 : Now you will get the option of “Selecting SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2019” and type Roll number or Registration number to get your result pdf.

Also Check: SSC CGL Tier 2 (Strategy to score 360+ Marks)
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result Without Roll Number
You have the option of checking your SSC CGL Result Tier 1 with the help of your Roll number or even Registration number. But if you don’t have your roll number, you can check your result in PDF Copy published by SSC which contains “Names of Successful candidates” as shown in the 2018 Result sample below.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result PDF
This is the list of Candidates who have cleared the SSC CGL Result Tier 1 and qualifed for stage 2. (Note: This is SSC CGL Tier 1 Result PDF of 2018 which I have added for your reference)
(You also get SSC CGL Result pdf with marks after final result is announced)

SSC CGL Tier 1 Result for Assistant Accountant Officer, Junior Statistical Officer
SSC CGL Result 2019 of Tier 1 is divided into 3 Lists:
- Aspirants who have opted with Economics
- Aspirants who have opted with General Studies (Finance and Accounts)
- Other Aspirants who will apply only for Paper 1 and Paper 2 in Tier 2 Exam
Cut off for these 3 lists is different and even the number of aspirants qualified for Stage 2 is different. You will get to know this in detail via “SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut off marks” article.
Ratio of Aspirants Selected in SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam :
- Assistant Accountant Officer
- Junior Statistical Officer
- All Other Posts
Is there Normalization in SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2019?
Yes, Of course. There exists normalization in SSC CGL 2019 Result of Tier 1. In fact, whenever the exam is conducted in number of shifts, normalization rule comes into picture. Check official Notice of SSC based on normalization of Tier 1 Result:

How to get SSC CGL Result 2019 on your mail/ Mobile?
When SSC CGL Result is declared, checking result becomes difficult as lakhs of aspirants are checking result on the same website. So, if you want your SSC CGL result directly on your mail ID, comment your exam details below. Sarkari Service team will do this work for you and send you result as soon as it will be live on official website.
Also Check: SSC CGL Tier 3 (Strategy to score 80+ Marks)
This year’s paper was comparatively tough, due to which there was a tight competition between aspirants to qualify for stage 2. If you have not cleared stage 1 of SSC CGL Exam, don’t waste much time over it. Start preparation for upcoming SSC CGL exam from today itself so that you have an upper edge over other aspirants (atleast in next attempt!)
We have provided detailed strategies for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 papers which are capable enough to get you though SSC CGL Examination. And if you still have any doubt, do let me know in the comment section below.
Jai Hind !