Hello defence aspirants. Today’s article will be the ultimate guide for SSB Interview Preparation as A to Z Preparation Strategies and various SSB Interview secrets will be revealed today. Apart from understanding the SSB Interview Procedure, we will provide a SSB Interview Tips and Tricks which will help you in your SSB Preparation. We will also see SSB Interview Toppers Tips so that you get a birds-eye view of SSB Interview Preparation. Moreover, you will get Free SSB Interview Book written by Vinay Sir which will add a feather in the cap.
You need to keep patience till the end of this article as this will be a mind-blowing experience and best opportunity to do deep introspection and prepare for SSB Interview in a targetted manner. So, let’s begin.
SSB Interview
If you want to be an officer in the Indian Armed Forces, you have to face SSB Interview. It can be NDA Entry, CDS Entry, Direct Entry, Technical Entry or any other entry, SSB Interview remains the same. Before beginning with the Secrets of SSB Interview, its crucial to understand the SSB Interview 5 Day Process thoroughly. Because without having a detailed knowledge about SSB Interview and various tests conducted in 5 days, its very difficult to relate with this article. So, I will recommend you to read article on SSB Interview Procedure and then proceed with this article.
SSB Interview Procedure (All Tests Explained in Detail): Click Here
SSB Interview: Understanding Basics
I would like to share some secrets of SSB with you all. It’s said that a philosopher can find anything and thus, my research on SSB got me to find some of it’s secrets. After giving more than 7 attempts in service selection boards across India, I have finally come to the conclusion that all the three assessors want the Officer’s Like Qualities in us. All the tests conducted are just tools of testing the same 15 Officer Like Qualities in us. So, you need to have a personality like that so that atleast two officers recommend you or give you very high marks. Psychology, GTO and Interview are nothing but modes of testing. What the psychologist takes out via stories, GTO does the same thing by putting you under various Group tasks and the same is with an interviewing officer who asks you questions to take out the qualities. So, if a person is lacking in confidence, this will be represented automatically in stories, Progressive group tasks, and in questions asked. So, what are these three officers looking at? Let’s find out!
SSB Interview Psychology Tests
This test is done when you clear the first stage of screening. You will be shown 12 pictures (the last will be blank) and you will have to make stories out of it. So, stories should be clear and precise. You must write it within time given i.e. 4 minutes and get ready for the next picture. The character of the story is you only. So, make the character strong (but don’t say that he is strong but Show how he is strong through his actions). Also, one must not write that he is bright, intelligent or a good planner, but show his planning. The character of the story should be a problem solver. So, take one issue in a story and solve it! Keep in mind that you will be solving it with others. Don’t make story in which the character only does all the things. Involve groups in the stories. Also, don’t unnecessarily bring fear like that of “crocodile in river” or “terrorist in a building”, when you cannot even see them. This shows your fear only.
Also, if you are a hero, don’t make others weak, for e.g. If two ladies are sitting in rickshaw, then don’t write like “they both were fearful because of no light in street, so hero came and saved them”. The moment you write fear in other’s brains shows your own fear only.
Also, in the story, you are not a boy, but a man! Psychologist marks these things! So, write “Rahul was a man” and not “Rahul was a boy”. Plan your actions first in the stories and then move on. Like you can write “Rahul planned to solve this issue and for this he did these things”. Your actions should speak! When you write a story, always after writing at home, circle the keywords like “Rahul decided”, “Rahul panned”, “Rahul did”, “Rahul convinced”, these will help you to know that OLQs are hidden in these very words.
The 12th story should be related to your interests like if you like to play cricket, then hold a tournament for this. Details of writing story will be discussed further in this article. Now, lets come to WAT.
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SSB Interview WAT (Word Association Test)
In Word Association Test, we have to make a sentence of every word that is there on the screen for 15 seconds. Like this, 60 words will come up. This is basically a confirmatory test and is connected to your stories only. For e.g. a person who can write a story taking friends along, will surely write in WAT sentences like “Stranger is a friend” or “All are our friends” etc. Don’t write suggestive sentences like we should do this or do that because suggestions anyone can give. A liar can also give suggestions to be honest. So, what kind of sentences they expect from the future officers?
- Stranger: Stranger is an opportunity
- Dark: Light removes darkness
- Emotion: Emotional intelligence keeps mind in harmony
- Army: Army is unity
- World: World is one big family
- Darling: Country is darling to its citizens
- Time: Time management leads to success
- Leader: Leader thinks of others first
Now, in the above sentences, one can see clearly OLQs shining. These words give the psychologist glimpses that the person is a leader and will do good in service as well. Don’t write too much informational sentences because they do tell that person is well read but not his intrinsic values. Also, never leave a word empty. It creates doubts in mind of the person reading that even when stories were complete, why couldn’t the person make sentence? Did the word just swallowed up the person in memories? Like someone who lost his parents recently, a word “parent”, might cause havoc in the mind. So, practice to keep calm in every situation.
SSB Interview SRT (Situation Reaction Test)
In Situation Reaction Test, 60 situations are given and we are told to respond to them in 30 minutes overall. Try doing 45 plus SRTs. This will tell the psychologist that the person is not Overthinking and his responses are natural. A person who does less SRT is someone who is thinking much and then writing. This gives a bad image.
SRT 1: He saw a man molesting a girl
Solution: He ran towards the man, caught hold of him, called police and mean time asked the girl if she was doing well. (This shows courage, sense of responsibility)
SRT 2: He is to attend the SSB tomorrow, but lost the bag
Solution: He attended the SSB, by borrowing money from co-passengers (remember, stranger is not danger) and getting the documents print out from internet, buying necessary things for interview and also, lodging an FIR.
SRT 3: He saw a snake on his brother’s chest.
Solution: He waited for the snake to get down and then killed it. (Don’t wake your bother otherwise it will sting him). And also, kill the snake, it shows your courage only!
SRT 4: He lost his way while going into the jungle.
Solution: He found the way by taking cue from stars
Note: SSB always want to take you into the dark through SRT, but your aim should be to come out of the problem. SSB exam will write words in SRT like “DARK”, “VERY COLD”, “DENSE JUNGLE” just to scare you. Don’t be scared! Come out of it like a hero.
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SSB Interview Self Description
In SSB Interview Self Description, you have to write 5 paragraphs on:
Overall, you will just get 15 minutes. So plan your paragraphs short and crisp. A paragraph left because of less time will give psychologist a cue that your organizing skills are bad. In this, don’t write your “tareef”, but show it through actions like stories. For e.g. you can say “My friends think that I give them book to borrow” (automatically you are a helper). Don’t write that I get depressed easily or I am shy or I am introvert. These things are not regarded good. When writing under parents section, one can say my parents think that I take care of the household and plan for the things that have to be bought. So, ultimately try bringing the OLQs but through back door! (as if you didn’t know that you have your tareef).
SSB Personal Interview
Personal Interview is taken after the psychology test. Here the interview should be crisp, short and straightforward. Tell each and everything to him in detail when asked. He will ask a comprehensive question of your school and college background and then ask what teachers you liked and what teachers you didn’t and the reason, what subjects you liked the most, how many friends do you have etc. Just try remember the chronology asked of the questions. Take each question as an opportunity to tackle it bringing your own quality.
Suppose you wanted to say that you like Mr. Vashisth as your teacher, then tell his quality which is mature like saying “sir! He had a good in-depth knowledge of the subject and he planned the lecture in a very good way”. Never say that “He was very smart looking and that’s why I liked him”. This is very childish approach. Now, if asked why you want to join the defence, then say “sir! It has many perks like schools, hospitals, salary, pension and gives a pride in society”. You should refrain from saying that since childhood I wanted to be in it. This is too filmy and immature.
Always, don’t try to defend what has happened in the past. Suppose, he asks you why you didn’t get good marks in graduation, then tell him,”Sir! I was busy in extracurricular activities but I should have taken studies also in a balanced way” This shows that you accept whatever has happened in the past and take responsibility now for that happening. Tell about army/navy/airforce in a very planned manner to the IO, you may start by telling current position of it, then move to past and then, tell about wars and any service it did and also, tell about future deals.
Organize it in a planned manner. He will sometimes put you in very dense and tense situations by asking more about your girlfriend/boyfriend or maybe asking you about how much liters of water can be put inside the room. Don’t be afraid! And always answer him with confidence. If some question that you don’t know says some factual things, you may say “Sir, I don’t know but I will find it out”. This shows a man becoming a gentleman tomorrow.
He may even ask what you do in your free time with family. Tell him something constructive that you do! He will not like if you say I play ludo with my mother. Be mature now! Make your PIQ simple and straight. What you haven’t played, don’t write, otherwise, he will catch you. He may even yawn in between to show less interest in you. Don’ pay attention to him. He is checking your mind level whether it gets disturbed or not easily.
SSB Interview GTO (Group Tasks Officer)
Group task officer generally take 2 days to ascertain the kundli of 8- 10 candidates in your group. The first task will be of SSB Interview Group discussion. Two GD’s will be asked and you have to discuss amongst your friends in a semi-circle. Group discussions should be calm and full of planning. You may start with “friends there are mainly three points which I want to say”. Now by saying three points, you have actually taken the aim of the points and have organized the discussion well.
Never look angry or annoyed when some other candidate scolds or doesn’t listen to you. Give a holistic view of the points i.e. 360 degrees. Suppose its asked about fire in amazon forest, then tell about everything, why did it spread, who are the affected, whats the role of international organization. Never blame any nation/people. This shows your blaming tendency.
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SSB Interview GPE (Group Planning Exercise)
Group Planning Exercises will be the second task, after conduction the two GDs. You will be given a map and told that you are a student of 8-10 and some problems have occurred as you were to go for college for presentation. And then GTO will give you paper and pen to write the solutions how will you manage the situations. So, remember, you are the character of the story here also. Bring bravery, intelligence, planning into it. Also, focus on the things which are not given like in a village, we are not shows by GTO people living there, but if you say “friends! We can also take help from villagers”, this shows that you could see what other candidates missed out.
So, write the problems to be solved in chronology, divide the group, taking YOU as the one who will handle the most serious situation. Catch hold of the miscreants by yourself and take help of police while catching terrorist. Tell the station guard about bomb placed on track. So, when discussion is going on. Convince your group to your reasoning. A leader is a good convincer but also listen to others. Don’t fight with anyone! Behave like a Leader!
SSB Interview PGT (Progressive Group Task)
Now progressive group task, half group task will be 3rd and 4th task respectively. In PGT, plan everything first with your mates and then go forward. Never push anyone. You may say “Your plan is good, but I have a better plan and I will show you”. Its called progressive, as the level of difficulty progressive with every task (there will be many structures placed). GTO will also tell you the rules such as not to stand on ride mark, not to drop the weight given etc. Don’t forget the rules. It shows a sense of responsibility. Be determined to the plan what you had made, changing plans, again and again, shows weak will. Don’t listen to someone just because he has attended more SSBs than you. Just believe in your reasoning.
The main thing is How you do the task and not whether you finish or not. “Balli-fatta” doesn’t make you an officer, but your attitude does. Even those who don’t know how to tie rope get recommended. Love your group! Feel one with everyone! In half group task, same thing will be done, but the group will get divided into half and more attention will be paid to you now! So, be a leader here also. Plan and then move.
SSB Interview Lecturette
In lecturette, we need to pick a small slip out of many placed in front on the table by GTO. We are given 4 Topics in that slip picked up. We just have 3 minutes to prepare the topic and execute it in front of our friends. Maximum time allotted to speak is 3mins only. Now Topic number 1 on the slip shall be the most difficult, topic number 4 will be very easy and topic number 2 and topic number 3 will be average! Choosing the toughest topic shows confidence.
But are you prepared well to execute it? If you don’t have any clue, then move to topic number 2 or topic number 3. Even when you don’t have anything to speak about in all the above three topics, go for topic number 4. But the trick is to say topic number 4 in such a way that your OLQs shine i.e. if the topic is say of “MY PET”, then you may say, how you take care of the pet and plan for his day. How you got him? Why did you choose such and such a breed? And how you make sure the animal is not unwell.
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SSB Interview Command Task
In command task under GTO, you will be made the commander and you need to call two subordinates to help you out. Don’t give commands and do nothing. But be the doer and take help with arranging materials with subordinates. Before starting the Command task, the GTO will conduct a short interview with you. Just don’t be too casual. Its like the interview which you took in cabin of officer but only difference is that it will be short and crisp. Be a mature man here! If asked “Who is more notorious, you or your bother?” Just tell him, we both are mature sir! (Don’t put the responsibility on your brother for him to be notorious)
And also, you are also not notorious now. Maybe in past childhood, where you opened up radio etc to find out what is there inside. Even if you are not getting the idea to get the Bomb which is placed in command task to fetch, don’t look confused. Rather, be confident and keep on searching for plans! Mind your facial expression.
SSB Interview Individual Obstacles
In Individual obstacles, the next task, you will have to complete 10 physical tasks and get points marked on it. But the catch it, is reality points don’t matter. What matters is how you planned your tasks and your stamina and confidence if you even performed it or not. It’s not about whether you can climb a rope or not, but whether you atleast give a try or not!
SSB Interview Final Group Task
The final Group task is not much of importance, but just cherry on cake. It is just like PGT and we have to finish it with whole group. There will be also a snake race, in which we will be competing with other SSB mates of other group and will be told to hold a rope which is called snake there and have to perform some tasks along holding the rope. What is seen is your cheerfulness, sense of responsibility towards group. These two tasks aren’t much of importance in GTO. But why to miss points even in these!
SSB Interview Conference
Three officers will discuss you in detail. If you are a borderline case i.e. someone is not much agreeing amongst officers regarding you, they will discuss you before calling you inside the room and also may discuss inside the room giving them more clarity. So, if in interview you said that “you will find it out the answer”, here is the opportunity to tell the Io when asked the answer!
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SSB Interview Screening
This takes place on the very first day in Airforce when you report and on the next day in Army. More important than OIR (officers intelligence rating) is the PPDT which will take you in the 5 day process. Make sure, you are the hero in your story. Don’t make story on army/airforce/terrorism/drugs, but be a common man or a doctor. Take an issue in mind and solve it completely. Say your narration in PPDT confidently and clearly. Then when discussion takes place, convince the group to take your story. Even when the group doesn’t agree, improvise on their story now! Speak in discussion not more than 3 times. Don’t over dominate. Keep a smile! You will be in. I have done OIRs worse and still got in due to this strategy of mine. Focus on personal narration and story more and take part in discussion!
SSB Interview Results
Believe in yourself and destiny too! Sometimes good things take time to ripe and sometimes you are ready to rock-in. Whatever the results, take them as part of life! Don’t be too happy, don’t look too sad. Ponder over your mistakes and come next time better! And till then, enjoy the whole life because SSB IS A SUB-SET OF LIFE.
SSB Interview FAQ's
SSB Interview Guidance by AIR 4 Arvind Kaushik
SSB Interview Guidance by AIR 1 Ipupu Mena
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Also Check: Territorial Army Preparation (Detailed Strategy!)
SSB Interview Free PDF (Complete Self Preparation Guide)
To get the Free SSB Interview PDF, you need to add your “Email Address in Regular Use” and Click on “Unlock Content”. And make sure you are self enlightened to do self-preparation as guided in this article.
Urgent Note: As this article was becoming too lengthy, we have will make a separate article on Effective story writing strategy with practical examples and other exercises of WAT, TAT, etc. You just need to comment below that you want “Story Writing Tips with few examples” so that we can make it available in the upcoming 1-2 days.
And do let me know whether this article helped you or not. And if you still have any doubts related to SSB Interview Preparation, do let our core team know in the comment section below. All your doubts will be solved within 24 hours.
Jai Hind!
Also Check: SSB Interview PPDT Stories (Mater TAT, WAT)
It is Incredible. And truly very helpful. Thank you so much sir.
Thanks Alot for your valuable comment. Jai Hind
Very helpful article.
Thanks Sandeep for your review. Keep Preparing…
The article is helpful will definitely implement in my ssb preparation.
Thanks Gaurav for your review. If you still have any doubt, do let me know in the comment section below.
Content Worth Sharing..No platform has provided such helpful content even after paid subscriptions. Thanks
Thanks for your valuable words
Best strategy on SSB Interview Preparation. Thanks Sarkaari Service for helping rural background people like me who cannot afford costly coaching.
Its good that content on Defence Exam Preparation is reaching in remote places of India. Best luck for SSB Preparation
Jai Hind Sir. Want Story Writing tutorial. It will also be awesome lik this
Thanks for your review. Working on it
Best content. No doubt
Truely an eye opener article and at the same time a myth buster too. Keep rocking as always brotherman ❣️
Thanks Vivek for your Golden Words
Can we request a more detailed description on Personal Interview, the questions asked and more on themes that we can make use in TAT, practice mock test for various organised test of psychology.
Point Noted..Will work on it
It was really helpful sir !! I need story writing tips with few examples, if u can provide me that will be a huge favor..
Thanks for your review. Your demand will be fulfilled in 2-3 upcoming days
Please send story writing tips with few examples and interview tips
Ok Suraj. Article Coming Soon
I need this in a pdf
Pls check at the end of article. Its provided
Thanks Abhay
I please send me SSB interview guide pdf to …. Thank you
Pls check at the end of article. You need to add mail and get PDF
Amazing content , i am really happy that i have gone through it and I will definitely share it with my friends so that they may also get benefits out of it .
I request you to plz write more on psychological portion
(Waiting for your response .)
Jai hind sir
Thanks Sagar for your valuable reply. Next SSB article will be on story writing and other detail strategies
Thanks for excellent contents
I hope you will make more and more contents about SSB
Yes Anup. Will make more content on SSB. Stay connected and make sure you check other articles on SSB too
Excellent site I love it.
Thanks for valuable reply..Make sure you check other articles too
“Story Writing Tips with few examples”
Will be published tomorrow. Best of Luck for your SSB Preparation 2020
Thanku so much for ur valuable guidance sir.
Also provide tips and samples for ppdt
Will be published tomorrow
Please tell me instagram id
It is provided in the aritcle “sarkaari_service”
Thanks sarkaari service for guidance
Thanks alot mam…Best of Luck for your SSB Preparation
Story writing is a must..pls provide that
Will be published tomorrow morning
Very informative article. Mainly who are repeaters like me think that they know maximum abiut SSB, but still there are so many minor minor points that do matter while preparing.
Thanks Gurpreet. Best of Luck for your SSB Preparation
Full of knowledge
Thanks Dev for your valuable words
Cleared so many thoughts in my mind. All thanks to you sir. Jai hind.
Jai Hind Dhaval. and Thanks for your review
Thank you so much sir
Thanks Akash. Best of Luck for your SSB Preparation
I want an article over a strategy to clear NDA maths sir.
Already Made Aditya. Please check “NDA” Category
Very helpful article. Please send me story writing tips with few examples and WAT tips
Ok Shubham. Article will be published tomorrow.. Best of Luck for your SSB Preparation
Thank you…it is so helpful ….
Thanks Halim. Best of Luck for your SSB Preparation
Great information shared.. Thank you ,Sir.
Really, personal experience of yours told us a lot and those tips are too broadly helpful.
Again, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Mukul. Your review matters alot. Jai Hind!
I found your article to be very well written. It is both informative and educative.
I am sure all aspirants will definitely find your article a great help while preparing for the SSB.
Wish you the best!
Sir, firstly its worth reading, thank you so much for your concern..Also I want to ask you something.. I’m Ravindra, recently cleared AFCAT written exam, currently preparing for AFSB.. Kindly let me know what are all the GD & lecturrete topics should I go through now.. Hardly have 40 days..
Thanks for your words. Just make sure that you are well aware about last 12 month current affairs (National and International issues). Study Pros, cons of each topic and have your personal views on each issue. Its sufficient