In order to serve our mother nation, it is necessary to be part of the government framework. If we want to change the system or bring positive changes, we need to part of some prestigious departments of Indian Government. Moreover, your authority and post also matters a lot if you really want to implement government schemes to reach masses of India. Thats the reason of providing government exams after graduation which will make you capable to complete your dreams.
You will get “list of government exams after graduation” so that you do not miss any opportunity to join Class 1 Post in various departments of government of India.
List of Government Exams after Graduation (2023)
If you want to join in government departments as a officer, you need to complete age of 21 years and also graduation. So, your productive age of giving government exams is 21-26 years of age. Some, exams have upper age limit as high as 32 years, but remember that your initial 4-5 attempts are very crucial and probability of clearing the government exams during this time span is very high.
That’s the main reason for making this “list of government exams after graduation”. Now you will be aware about number of government exams which you can give during those crucial 4-5 years.
Moreover, it is generally seen that many aspirants are not aware about the examinations in various departments. And the time when they come to know about these exams, its already too late. So, make a list of upcoming government exam 2023 and dates when they will be conducted, so that you do not miss any opportunity to serve our nation.
1. UPSC Civil Services Exam (IAS Exam)
Let us begin with the highly prestigious exam conducted by UPSC, that is, Civil Services Exam. It is commonly called as IAS exam due to high craze of Indian Administrative Service posts offered through this exam. But you must be aware that many other prestigious departments of Indian Government are also filled through these exam. Officers for 24 different services are recruited through this single exam. Let us see top 15 posts:
- Indian Administrative Service (All India Services)
- Indian Police Service (All India Services)
- Indian Foreign Service
- Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service
- Indian Audit and Accounts Service
- Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise)
- Indian Defence Accounts Service
- Indian Revenue Service (I.T.)
- Indian Ordnance Factories Service
- Indian Postal Service
- Indian Civil Accounts Service
- Indian Railway Traffic Service
- Indian Railway Accounts Service
- Indian Railway Personnel Service
- Assistant Security Commissioner in Railway Protection Force
Common Questions About UPSC CSE Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once in a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21 -32 years (For general category) |
Post Offered: | Class 1 Post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Depends on post you have applied |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline |
Official website: | www.upsc.gov.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
(Gear up for one of the best government jobs after graduation)
Also Check: Tips to Crack IAS Exam in First Attempt (Just Give a try!)
2. UPSC Indian Engineering Services (IES Exam)
IES Exam is exclusively conducted for Engineering graduates who want to join various government departments as an engineer. Engineers beloging to only following 4 branches can apply for IES Exam:
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Highest position technical posts in all government technical departments are recruited through IES exam. Here is a list of departments/services which you can join after clearing IES exam:
- Central Power Engineering Services
- Indian Telecommunication Service
- Indian Supply Service
- Defence service engineering corps
- Central electrical and mechanical service
- Indian Army Engineering Service
- Central Engineering Service for Roads
- Indian Navy Armaments Service
- Border Roads Engineering Service
- Indian Railways Service
- Indian Ordnance Factory
- Central Water Engineering
- Geological Survey of India
Common Questions About UPSC IES Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once in a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21 -30 years (For general category) |
Post Offered: | Class 1 Post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Not needed for most of the posts |
Educational Qualification: | BE/BTech from civil, mechanical, electrical and electronics department |
Official website: | www.upsc.gov.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
3. SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam (SSC CGL)
SSC CGL stands for Combined Graduate Level Exam which is conducted by SSC to recruit Class 1 and Class 2 officers in various departments and ministries of Government of India. Wide range of departments are recruited though this All India Exam. Income Tax Inspector (ITI), Central Excise Inspector, External Affairs Assistant, Assistant Section Officer (CSS), Preventive CBEC Officer, etc are some of the posts recruited through SSC CGL exam.
Some posts of SSC CGL exam have physical eligibility criteria while some posts do not have any specific physical or medical criteria. You you must fill your preferences based on the post you are eligible for. More than 30,000 vacancies are recruited though this exam each year. So utilize this golden opprtunity.
Common Questions About SSC CGL Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once in a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 20 -30 years (For general category) |
Post Offered: | Class 1 and Class 2 posts in various departments and ministries of government of India |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Depends on post you have applied |
Educational Qualification: | Most of the posts need graduation from any discipline (but some posts like AAO, JSO have specific graduation requirement) |
Official website: | www.ssc.nic.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
List of govt jobs after graduation if you will clear SSC CGL Exam 2023 is given below:
Assistant Enforcement Officer | Group B Post |
Sub Inspector | Group B Post |
Inspector | Group B Post |
Junior Statistical Officer | Group B Post |
Assistant Audit Officer | Group B Gazetted Post |
Assistant Accounts Officer | Group B Post |
Assistant Section Officer | Group B Post |
Assistant | Group B Post |
Inspector of Income Tax | Group C Post |
Inspector (Central Excise) | Group B Post |
Accountant/ Junior Accountant | Group C Post |
Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks | Group C Post |
Tax Assistant | Group C Post |
Statistical Investigator Grade-II | Group B Post |
Auditor | Group C Post |
Upper Division Clerks | Group C Post |
SSC CGL is one of the highest appeared government exams after graduation (more than 27 lakh aspirants apply each year)
Also Check: SSC CGL Preparation (Detailed Strategy!)
4. SBI PO Exam (Probationary Officer)
State Bank of India conducts “SBI PO exam” for officer recruitment in State Bank of India. It is conducted once in a year and there is no any specific qualification requirement. It is one of the most stable government jobs in India.
Common Questions About SBI PO Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once in a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21 -30 years (For general category) |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Not needed |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline |
Official website: | www.sbi.co.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
Also Check: SBI PO Preparation (Step by Step Guide)
5. IBPS PO Exam (Probationary Officer)
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is a autonomous agency which operates as a Personnel Selection body for Nationalized & Regional Rural Banks in India. IBPS conducts this exam to recruit probationary officers in all other Nationalized and regional banks in India. IBPS PO exam is similar to SBI PO and is conducted twice a year which increases the probability of selection.
Common Questions About IBPS PO Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Twice in a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 20 -30 years (For general category) |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Not needed |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline |
Official website: | www.ibps.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
List of Banks in which you can join as officer after clearing IBPS PO Exam 2023 |
Bank of Baroda |
Bank of India |
Bank of Maharashtra |
Canara Bank |
Central Bank of India |
Indian Bank |
Indian Overseas Bank |
Punjab National Bank |
Punjab & Sind Bank |
UCO Bank |
Union Bank of India |
Maximum number of vacancies are for Canara Bank, Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, UCO Bank, Bank of Maharashtra |
Also Check: IBPS PO Exam Pattern (A to Z details)
6. LIC AAO Exam (Assistant Administrative Officer)
Life Insurance Corporation conducts a Common Admission Test (CAT) which is a national level exam. It recruites officers for various posts likeAAO Generalist, AAO IT, AAO Chartered Accountant, AAO Actuarial, AAO Rajbhasha, etc . More than 15 lakh aspirants are received for this prestigious exam conducted by LIC.
Common Questions About LIC AAO Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Not conducted annually. It depends on the number of vacancies. |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21 -30 years (For general category) |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Not needed |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline for most of the vacancies(specific eligibility for some posts) |
Official website: | www.licindia.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
7. RBI Grade B Exam
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducts RBI Grade B Officer Exam for recruitment of candidates for the position of Grade B officer. You can be posted in its various branches all over country. Even after being a Grade B exam, pay scale and job profile offered by RBI makes it highly lucrative post. Vacancies of RBI exam are very less compared to number of aspirants appearing for the exam. So, you need to prepare smartly to beat the competition. It is a 3 stage exam:
- Preliminary Exam
- Main examination
- Interview
Common Questions About RBI Grade B Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once in a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21 -30 years (For general category) |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Not needed |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline (60% marks in aggregate for all semester/ years) |
Official website: | www.rbi.org.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
8. UPSC Combined Defence Services Exam (CDS)
Combined Defence Services Exam is a joint military exam conducted by UPSC. It recruits officers for Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. CDS is best entry for aspirants who want to join Indian Armed forces after graduation. This is All India Exam where more than 3.5 lakh aspirants apply for roughly 350 vacancies each year. After clearing the written exam, you have to face SSB Interview to join the defence training academies like IMA, INA, OTA and AFA.
Common Questions About UPSC CDS Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Twice a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21-24 years |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | No |
Physical Eligibility: | Required |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline (No percentage criteria) |
Official website: | www.upsc.gov.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
Also Check: CDS Preparation (My Personal 1 -Year Strategy!)
9. Air Force Common Aptitude Exam (AFCAT Exam)
Apart from CDS exam, you also have opportunity to join Indian Air Force via AFCAT exam. In fact, if you want to join Indian Air Force, best exam is AFCAT exam because it is exclusively conducted by Indian Air Force for recruitement of officiers in various branches like Flying branch, Administration, Logisitics, Education, Ground duty technical and non technical posts, etc. So, if you are a defence aspirants, you must have AFCAT exam on your radar.
Common Questions About AFCAT Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Twice a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21-26 years |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | No |
Physical Eligibility: | Required |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline (Minimum 60% marks in Graduation. And minimum 60 marks in Physics and Maths at 10+2 Level) |
Official website: | www.afcat.cdac.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
Also Check: AFCAT Preparation (Score Guaranteed 200+ Marks)
10. Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET Exam)
From 2019, Indian Navy has started conducting an independent exam like AFCAT for recruitment in various branches of Indian Navy. INET strands for Indian Naval Entrance Test whose pattern is exactly similar to AFCAT exam. So, if you are a defence aspirant, you must focus on CDS Exam, AFCAT exam as well as INET exam.
Common Questions About AFCAT Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Twice a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21-26 years |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | No |
Physical Eligibility: | Required |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline (Minimum 60% marks in Graduation. And minimum 60 marks in Physics and Maths at 10+2 Level) |
Official website: | www.joinindiannavy.gov.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
Also Check: INET Preparation (Less Competition!)
11. Territorial Army Exam (Officer Entry)
If you have exceeded the age limit for other defence examination, you till have the opportunity to join Indian Armed Forces and serve our mother nation. The exam which has wide range of age limit is “Territorial Army Exam (Officer Entry)“. Major role of Territorial army is to perform static duties and help in civil administration at the time of natural calamities or any urgency situation. You need to perform essential services when the security and integrity of our nation is threatened.
Common Questions About AFCAT Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once in a year for civilians and twice for Ex-Servicemen |
Age Limit of Exam: | 18-42 years |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | No |
Physical Eligibility: | Required |
Educational Qualification: | Graduate from any discipline (No percentage criteria) |
Official website: | www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
Also Check: Territorial Army Preparation (Upper Age Limit 42!)
12. RRB ALP Exam ( Assistant Loco Pilot)
RRB ALP and Technician Exam is conducted by Railway recruitment board (RRB) for the recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician in different railway zones all over India. RRB announces the number of vacancies for different zones separately. You need to apply for particular post in specific region based on your preference. RRB ALP Exam is conducted in 3 stages followed by document verification. The 3 stages are:
- First Stage CBT
- Second Stage CBT
- Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)
More than 60,000 vacancies are announced each year. So, you must be alert about the RRB exam notification.
Common Questions About RRB ALP Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once in a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 18-30 years |
Post Offered: | Class 1 post |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Basic Physical Eligibility is must |
Educational Qualification: | Technical Qualification |
Official website: | www.rrcb.gov.in (Region wise separate websites) |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
13. RRB NTPC Exam (Non-Technical Popular Categories)
RRB NTPC stands for “Non-Technical Popular Categories” of Railway Recruitment Board. Highest number of posts are there for NTPC compared to other posts after graduation. Station Master, Senior Time keeper, Traffic assistant, goods guard, Junior Account Assistant, Senior Clerk, Commercial Apprentices, etc are some of the posts included in RRB NTPC exam.
- 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
- 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as applicable)
- Document Verification/Medical Examination
Common Questions About RRB NTPC Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Not conducted on year to year basis. Conducted based on vacancies available. |
Age Limit of Exam: | 18-33 years |
Post Offered: | Station Master, Senior Time keeper, Traffic assistant, goods guard, Junior Account Assistant, Senior Clerk, Commercial Apprentices |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Depends on post applied |
Educational Qualification: | Graduation from any discipline |
Official website: | www.rrcb.gov.in (Region wise separate websites) |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
14. RRB JE Exam (Junior Engineer)
RRB JE Exam is conducted for recruitment of “Junior Engineer” in various departments of Government. Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) and Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) are the exact posts in RRB NTPC Posts. Vacancies for RRB JE Exam were 13487 which varies every year based on vacancies.
Common Questions About RRB JE Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Not conducted on a year to year basis. Conducted based on vacancies available. |
Age Limit of Exam: | 18-33 years |
Post Offered: | Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) and Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Depends on post you have applied |
Educational Qualification: |
Diploma or Degree or BSC (Physics/Chemistry)
(Depends on post you have applied) |
Official website: | www.rrcb.gov.in (Region wise separate websites) |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
15. RRB MI Exam (Ministerial and Isolated Categories)
RRB MI (Ministerial and Isolated Categories) Exam is conducted for the recruitment of Stenographer, Chief Law Assistant, PGT/TGT/PRT, Junior Translator (Hindi), etc. After clearing this all India Exam, you can be placed in Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways all over India. Eligibility and age limit depends on the post you have applied, category you belong to, etc. So, check official notification RRB Website for more details realated to this exam.
Common Questions About RRB MI Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Not conducted on a year to year basis. Conducted based on vacancies available. |
Age Limit of Exam: | 18-30 years (Upper age limit is 33 for Junior translator and Staff and Welfare Inspector). So, age limit depends on post applied |
Post Offered: | Stenographer, Chief Law Assistant, PGT/TGT/PRT, Junior Translator (Hindi) |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Depends on post you have applied |
Educational Qualification: | Graduation in any field |
Official website: | www.rrcb.gov.in (Region wise separate websites) |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
16. UPSC EPFO Exam (Employee Provident Fund Organization)
UPSC, Watchdog of merit system in India, conducts exam for recruitment of officers in EPFO (Employee Provident Fund Organization). Post of Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) is filled via this exam. Though it recruits for specialized organization, its syllabus is similar to that of UPSC Civil Services exam.
Its a 2 stage exam where stage 1 is Objective type exam while stage 2 is Interview (Personality Test). It does not have any mains examination like that of the UPSC CSE Exam.
Common Questions About UPSC EPFO Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Not conducted on a year to year basis. Conducted based on vacancies available in EPFO. Recently it was conducted in 2022, and also expected to be conducted in 2023. |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21-35 years (Upper age limit is 35) |
Post Offered: | Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | No. But medical test is done before joining |
Educational Qualification: | Graduation in any field |
Official website: | www.upsc.gov.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
17. UPSC Indian Forest Services Examination (IFoS Exam)
18. Central Armed Police Forces Exam (CAPF Assistant Commandant)
Currently separate Central Armed Police Force Exam is conducted by UPSC for the recruitment of Assistant Commandant post in Border Security Force (BSF), National Security Guard (NSG), Assam Rifles and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), etc.
Common Questions About UPSC CAPF Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 20-25 Years (for general candidates) |
Post Offered: | Assistant Commandant |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Yes |
Educational Qualification: | Bachelor’s Degree from any discipline |
Official website: | www.upsc.gov.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
It will be soon merged with the civil services Exam (No official notification yet). So, after UPSC CAPF Notification is released, we will let you know how exam will be conducted.
19. Indian Coast Guard (Post: Assistant Commandant)
You can join Indian Coast Guard (ICG) as Assistant Commandant which is a Class 1 Post. General Duty, General Duty (Pilot), Pilot (CPL) are the 3 branches recruited though this exam. Eligibility and educational qualification varies based on post you have applied.
Common Questions About Indian Coast Guard (AC) Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21-25 years of Age (5 years relaxation for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC) |
Post Offered: | Assistant Commandant |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | Yes |
Physical Eligibility: | Yes |
Educational Qualification: | Bachelor’s degree from recognized university (minimum 55% marks) |
Official website: | www.joinindiancoastguard.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
It is among the least known government jobs after graduation.
Also Check: How to Join Indian Army as an Officer (15+ Ways!)
20. JAG (Judge Advocate General) Exam for Indian Armed Forces
Indian Army has a separate JAG branch which includes legally qualified army officers who are commissioned directly via JAG Entry or lateral entry from other branches like arms or corps. It is a special entry for law graduates (male as well as female). There is no written exam for this entry. Like technical entry, you will be shortlisted based on academic marks and you have to clear SSB Interview to join JAG Branch of Indian Army.
Common Questions About RRB MI Exam | Answers |
Frequency of Exam: | Once a year |
Age Limit of Exam: | 21-27 years |
Post Offered: | Ranks similar to Indian Army officers |
Is there reservation/relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: | No |
Physical Eligibility: | Yes |
Educational Qualification: | LLB Degree with 55% aggregate |
Official website: | www.joinindianarmy.nic.in |
Who can apply for this exam: | Graduate male and female aspirants |
Also Check: CAPF Exam Pattern (Class 1 Post in Para-Military!)
21. Graduate Aptitude Test Engineering (GATE Exam)
Many Technical aspirants know about GATE Exam as a gateway to get admission into IIT’s and Premier Institutions in India for post graduation. But you must know that you can get job into Public Sector Undertakings (PSU’s) like:
- Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
- Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
- National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
- Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCI)
- Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL)
- Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
In order to get job into PSU’s via GATE Exam (Graduate Aptitude Test Engineering), your score needs to be pretty high. So, targetted study is must during every year of your graduation.
22. RRB Paramedical Exam
RRB conducts Paramedical exam for various posts of Paramedical Categories like Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, ECG Technician, Health & Malaria Inspector, Lab Assistant, Lab Superintendent, etc.
Lob location may vary based on various Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways. All other eligibility criterias are similar to other exams of RRB.
23. State Public Service Commission Exam
Similar to Civil Services exam which is conducted by UPSC, each state conducts its individual State Public Service Commission Exam for recruitment of administrative and other posts (For eg: MPSC, MPPSC, UPPSC). So, you must follow your state recruitment website to know more details about the these exams. (Posts filled through this exam are Class 1 and majorly Class 2 Posts)
24. Direct Technical Entry in Indian Armed Forces (BE/Btech)
Based on your BE / Btech Marks, you will be shortlisted and will directly be called for the SSB Interview. You can get Short Service Commission (SSC) as well as Permanent Commission (PC) based on which entry you have applied.
25. NCC Special Entry in Indian Armed Forces
There exists a NCC Special Entry into Indian Armed Forces. If you have NCC ‘C’ Cerificate, you do not need to give written examination. You can directly appear for SSB Interview. Upon clearing the SSB Interview, you can join Armed forces as an officer.
We have seen “List of Competitive Exams after Graduation” which will help you to have an overview of all the government exams after graduation. If you have taken a year gap, I will recommend you to make a list of upcoming government exams 2020 and select the exams which are similar in nature. There are many exams with similar syllabus and exam pattern. So, with minor additional study, you can attempt multiple government exams in 1 year.
And if you still have any doubts related to government jobs after graduation, do let sarkaari service team know about it. We will solve your doubts within 24 hours.
It’s very useful for all aspirants especially for students after completing their graduation.
Thank you sooo much for these wonderful service for us from you.
All we need are there in one website …
Good job guys…
Thanks from my heart ..
Go ahead …
Your dedication and work for helping the graduates across the country is marvelous.
Thank you sir
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Thanks for your genuine feedback r
What exam and job should I go with after my graduation in computer science can you please help me.
thank you for giving use information.
Thanks for your valuable words! Will never let you down
Tnx for guiding my future..
Thanks for your valuable words! Will never let you down
Thanks for the job listing. It will definitely help people who are looking for government jobs.
I am bams student of fourth year can I give comparative exam before my internship
Yes, you can!
Nice information
Thanks for your review