Hello defence aspirants, you are reading “NDA 2 2022 Exam” specific details which means that you have taken 1 step towards your dream. Its already high time to start preparation for upcoming NDA 2 2022 attempt.
Before starting NDA preparation, its necessary to understand these 15 important things of NDA 2 2022 exam, which may seem very basic, but these basic things will contribute in your success.
So, keep patience and read this detailed guide till the end !
NDA 2 2022 Notification Details
NDA Exam is conducted twice a year (April and September) and its notification (advertisement) is released roughly 2-3 months before NDA written exam. NDA Notification is released on upsc.gov.in as well as in “employment news” paper which is released every week all over India.
NDA 1 2022 Notification has 50-60 pages related to NDA Recruitment. So, its too hectic and practically not fesible to waste time reading this lengthy Notification pdf. Moreover, new aspirants are not aware of what exactly to read from notification. So, I have made a compilation of all important things related to NDA 1 2022 exam which every NDA aspirant must know.
NDA 2 2022 Exam Date
NDA exam is conducted in offline format in almost all important cities of India. You have to select nearest city while filling the NDA exam form. Every NDA exam is conducted on Sunday for aspirants ease.
NDA 2 2022 Exam Date : 4th September 2022
NDA 1 2023 Exam Date : 16th April 2023
NDA 2 2022 exam consists of 2 papers (Maths and General Ability Test):
- NDA Maths Paper (Paper 1)
- NDA GAT Paper (Paper 2)
NDA 2 2022 Exam time:
NDA Exam papers | Subject | Timing |
Paper 1 | NDA 2 2022 Maths | 10:00 am to 12:30 pm |
Paper 2 | General Ability Test | 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm |
It becomes too hectic to give 2 papers on the same day with just 2 hours of gap between them. These things must be considered while studying.
Practice of previous year question papers is must to maintain speed and accuracy in actual NDA exam.
How to fill the NDA 2022 Exam form correctly? (Step by Step Process)
NDA Form filling process takes place in 2 stages: Part 1 Registration and Part 2 Registration.
After completing the Part 1 Registration, you get a confirmation message on your mobile (along with Registration ID) , which is used to fill NDA Part 2 Registration form.
Let us see common details which you need to fill in NDA Application Form:
NDA Part 1 Registration Includes:
- Full Name (as on 10th Certificate)
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Fathers and Mothers Name
- Fee Remission
- Educational Qualification
- Address and Email ID
- Preferences of Branch
- Marital Status
- Community
NDA Part 2 Registration Includes
- NDA Exam Fee payment
- Examination center selection
- Uploading of scanned copy of Passport size photograph and Signature
- Signing Terms and Conditions
- Print of NDA application form which you have filled
NDA 1 2022 Age Limit
There is always some sort of confusion related to NDA 1 2022 Age limit. I recived large number of messages related to NDA age limit. So, today I will provide exact date range in which your date of birth must lie to be eligible for NDA exam.
NDA 1 2020 Age limit
Aspirant must be born between 2nd July 2001 to 1st July 2004
NDA 2 2020 Age limit
Aspirant must be born between 2nd January 2002 to 1st January 2005
UPSC NDA age limit in terms of exact age of aspirant:
NDA 1 2020 Age limit ( Years)
Your age must be between 15 years 9 months to 18 years 9 months
NDA 2 2020 Age limit (Years)
Your age must be between 15 years 10 months to 18 years 10 months
NDA 2 2022 Eligibility Criteria
NDA Eligibility Criteria as given in the Notification:
- You must be a Citizen of India
- You must be within the age limit specified above (16.5-19.5 years)
- You must have passed 12th standard / 12th Appear
- You must be mentally and medically fit to join Armed forces
- You must meet minimum height requirement and Height to weight ratio (as per NDA eligibility criteria)
NDA Eligibility not mentioned in Notification:
- You must study hard to clear Written exam Cut off (not easy)
- You have to treat SSB as a way of life to clear SSB Interview
- This requires systematic study from detailed strategies (in which many aspirants fail to be eligible)
NDA 2 2022 Exam Qualification
Qualification of NDA exam is very easy to understand.
- You must be 12th Pass or even 12th appear to apply for NDA exam
- You can be from Arts, Commerce or Science background
- If you want to apply for Indian Air Force branch of NDA, you need Physics and Maths as compulsory subjects
- Also if you want to apply for Indian Navy branch of NDA, you need Physics and Maths as compulsory subjects
- No such special criteria for Indian Army Branch
NDA exam Pattern 2022 (Latest)
Understanding the Bird’s Eye view of NDA exam Pattern:
NDA paper Subject | Subject Code | Time Alloted | Marks Allotted |
Mathematics | 01 | 150 minutes | 300 |
General Ability Test | 02 | 150 minutes | 600 |
Total Marks | 900 |
Understanding Negative Marking of NDA written exam:
NDA written exam has One Third Negative Marking for Both the papers (Maths and GAT).
Subjects of NDA written exam | Marks Deducted |
Maths | 0.833 Marks |
For English section of GAT paper | 1.33 Marks |
For GK section of GAT paper | 1.33 Marks |
- NDA Maths Question: 2.5 Marks Each
- NDA GAT Question: 4 Marks Each
Can I Clear the NDA exam in 3 Months Time?
I have provided detailed strategies for NDA Maths and NDA GAT paper which can yield you 415+ marks (minimum) in written exam. It takes around 5-6 months to complete A to Z sources as told.
But if you are dedicated enough to study 7-8 hours daily as per detailed NDA Study plan, then you can even manage completing NDA Syllabus with revision.
(And if you face any issue in self preparation, fell free to contact us)
NDA 2 2022 Written Exam Tips
I have already provided exact tips and tricks alog with important chapters to study for NDA exam. But still I will tell you 6 tips which you must remember to crack NDA exam in first attempt:
- Be mentally prepared to study best sources for different subjects (don’t expect 1 single book for NDA exam. Those days are gone! )
- Study for Boards and NDA exam in intergrated manner (Don’t isolate NDA preparation from boards or any other engineering entrance, as major overlap of syllabus can be seen)
- Self Preparation is the key to success (You just need guidance which I have provided for free on this platform)
- Give your 1st attempt very seriously (when you are 12th appear)- Many aspirants give first attempt as a trial.
- You will get only 2 serious attempts for NDA exam. So, study accordingly
- Many aspirants regret when attempts are over. So, learn from others mistakes and make your upcoming attempt full and final.
NDA 2 2022 Important Dates
NDA 2 2022 Application form
NDA Application starts on the same day of Notification release.

NDA 2 2022 Syllabus
I have written a detailed article on NDA syllabus 2022 where you will get word to word syllabus of each NDA paper along with previous year question paper analysis.
Now, we will see Chapter-wise weightage for NDA 1 2022 Maths paper :
NDA Maths Chapter-Wise Weightage
- Differential calculus and Integral calculus
- Trigonometry
- Algebra
- Statistics and Probability
- Vector Algebra
- Analytical Geometry
- Determinant and Matrices
Now, we will see Chapter-wise weightage for NDA 1 2022 GAT paper :
NDA GAT Chapter-Wise Weightage
- English
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- History, Freedom struggle
- Geography
- Current Affairs
Much more breakdown of NDA syllabus and Chapter-wise weightage is provided in detailed article on NDA Syllabus 2022. Do, check it out.
NDA 1 2022 Last Date to Fill form
I am repeating this point, that is, Last date to fill NDA 1 2022 exam form is 28th January 2022 till 6:00pm because many aspirants forget to fill the form.
NDA 2 2022 Cut off
I have done detailed NDA cut off analysis (individual cut off and overall cut off) last week, so do check it out. Today we will see previous 3 year cut off marks of NDA exam.
Given below NDA cut off is of NDA written exam which is calculated out of 900 marks (300 Marks of Maths paper + 600 Marks of GAT paper)
NDA 1 2019 Cut off Marks: | 342 |
NDA 2 2018 Cut off Marks: | 325 |
NDA 1 2018 Cut off Marks: | 338 |
NDA 2 2017 Cut off Marks: | 258 |
NDA 1 2017 Cut off Marks: | 342 |
NDA 2 2016 Cut off Marks: | 229 |
NDA 1 2016 Cut off Marks: | 228 |
NDA 2 2015 Cut off Marks: | 306 |
NDA 2 2022 Result
NDA result is highly anticipated by all NDA aspirants at different stages of whole exam. Let us directly see the time duration for NDA result:
1. NDA 1 2022 result (written exam) : 2nd June 2022 (expected)
2. NDA 2 2022 Final Result : 6 to 7 months after NDA written exam
(NDA 1 2022 written result is generally release 45-55 days after written exam)
If you are reading this article till here, then you have A to Z details about NDA exam and even a detailed direction to study for NDA written exam.
So, be “Self Enlightened” and be focused on your studies if you want to clear NDA 2 2022 exam.
Jai Hind !