Let us now see the most neglected part of SSC CGL exam, that is, SSC CGL Tier 4 which is qualifying in nature. But it does not mean that you will take this test lightly. Because many SSC CGL aspirants have even failed in this exam due to taking this exam lightly, or have not recieved the post of their choice due to failure in SSC CGL CPT (Computer Proficiency Test).
So, in this detailed article, we will analyse SSC CGL Tier 4 Exam in detail where we will see how many tests are there in SSC CGL Tier 4 exam, SSC CGL posts which require Tier 4 exam, exact syllabus, typing test, question paper, DEST Test, ppt, etc so that you will not have to search on this topic again on google.
SSC CGL Tier 4 Details
You are eligible for SSC CGL Tier 4 exam only if you clear Tier 3 Exam of SSC CGL. So, check out other articles on SSC CGL Tier 1 Strategy, Tier 2 strategy and Tier 3 Strategy whose marks are calculated in final merit list of SSC CGL Exam.
SSC CGL Tier 4 exam is also known as : SSC CGL CPT and DEST TEST !!
Full form of CPT in SSC CGL Exam : Computer Proficiency Test
Full form of DEST in SSC CGL Exam : Data Entry Skill Test

After completing CPT, DEST and complete Document Verification process, All India Merit List of SSC CGL exam is released for each category of post.
(For calculating SSC CGL Merit list, Marks of only Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 are considered. Tier 4 is only qualifying !)
Also Check : SSC CGL 2022 important Dates (Tier1, 2, 3, 4)
SSC CGL CPT (Computer Proficiency Test)
For which posts in SSC CGL do we need CPT (Computer Proficiency Test) ?
- Assistant Section Officer in CSS, MEA, SFIO, GSI, Mines
- Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBEC) Department (Examiner, Excise, peventive officer)
Stages of CPT Test in SSC CGL Exam:

Word Processing –
You will be given a printed english passage that has content written on it which needs to be typed in the computer. SSC CGL has a software similar to “MS Word” for the test. In this test, no formatting is needed as it is purely test of your typing speed. You are expected to write around 2000 characters (also called as depressions) in just 15minutes.
Marks will be deducted for wrong words typed. This test can be easily mastered with practice of 1 month.
Spreadsheets –
You need to be master at MS Excel as this test consists of creating a spreadsheet on MS Excel. You will be provided a printed spreadsheet which you must replicate in MS Excel in provided time period. Its must that you know MS Excel formula’s so that test can be completed in given time period. Start learning MS Excel well before time (Not a big deal. Just 10-15 days of practice is also enough)
Generation of slides–
You will get a printed copy of powerpoint Slide which you need to replicate in just 15 minutes. MS Powerpoint is used for this test. So, you must practice various commands used to create Slides in MS Powerpoint (for preparation !)
In short, you need to be handy in MS Office for SSC CGL Tier 3 (Word, Excel and Powerpoint)
SSC CGL Tier 4 DEST (Data Entry Skill Test)
- DEST (Data Entry Skill Test) is for the post of Tax Assistant in Central Excise and Income Tax.
- It you have taken CPT exam then you do not need to attempt DEST test (As DEST is a part of CPT)
- It is also Qualifying in Nature
- It demands 8000 key depression per hour (which is equivalent to 2000 key depression per 15 minutes)
SSC CGL Document Verification
SSC CGL Document Verification is mandatory for each and every aspirant (all posts) who wants to get job via SSC CGL exam. Given below is the list of documents needed for “Document Verification” Process of SSC CGL Exam :
Physical Test for SSC CGL Exam (After Tier 3)
“SSC CGL Exam posts with physical test and without physical test” is the common query among SSC CGL aspirants. So, I will like to tell you that all posts in SSC CGL do not conduct Physical or medical test.
Given below is the list of posts in SSC CGL post with Physical Test:

All remaining are SSC CGL post without physical test. And if you know that you are physically unfit, you have the chance of changing post preference at the time of Document Verification !!
(Whenever you are applying for any post in SSC CGL, you need to be aware of SSC CGL Medical test posts and exact medical and physical criteria of SSC CGL exam )
SSC CGL Physical Test Criteria
SSC CGL Physical standards for the Inspector Posts in Central Excise, Preventive Officer, Examiner, Inspector and CBN Sub-Inspector. All these are even specified above:
SSC CGL Physical Requirement for Male Candidates
- SSC CGL Physical standards :
Minimum Height 157.5 cm
Chest 81 cm (with expansion of 5 cm) |
Relaxation of height by 5 cm for aspirants from Garwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and also members of Scheduled Tribes. |
2. SSC CGL Physical Tests:
Walking: 1600 meters in just 15 minutes. | Cycling: 8 kilometers in 30 minutes. |
SSC CGL Physical Requirement for Female Candidates
- SSC CGL Physical standards (women) :
Minimum Height 152.0 cm
Weight: 48 Kilogram |
Relaxation of height by 2.5 cm
Weight Relaxation of 2 Kilograms for aspirants belonging to Gorkhas, Garwalis, Assamese and Scheduled Tribes. |
2. SSC CGL Physical Tests (women) :
Walking: 1 Kilometer in just 20 minutes. | Cycling: 3 Kilometers in just 25 minutes |
Physical standards for the Post of Sub-Inspector in (CBI) Central Bureau of Investigation and National Investigation Agency
SSC CGL Physical test for Central Bureau of Investigation :

SSC CGL Physical Criteria for National Investigation Agency :

Is there Permanent Rejection in SSC CGL Physical and Medical Tests?
Answer to your question is Yes. You can also get permanent rejection in SSC CGL for physical criteria or even medical criteria.
Termporary unfit in SSC CGL Exam
- Temporarily Unfit due to Medical Reasons
- Temporarily Unfit for being Below Physical Standards

Permanently unfit in SSC CGL Exam
- Permanently Unfit due to Medical Reasons
- Permanently Unfit for being Below Physical Standards

SSC CGL Physical Efficiency Test for Group C posts

We have seen SSC CGL Tier 4 Syllabus as well as SSC CGL Medical Test Criteria which you must check today itself. And in terms of Physical eligibiility, work hard on daily basis to meet those criteria’s.
You also know that SSC CGL Tier 4 is compulsory for which posts. So, fill preferences accordingly.
Hopefully this detailed article on SSC CGL Tier 4 Strategy has added value in your preparation If you are reading this article till here, also make sure you read our speciality articles which matters in SSC CGL Merit list:
And if you still have any doubts, feel free to ask Sarkari Service in comment section below.
Jai Hind !