As per our INET Preparation 2020 article, we have discussed about the strategy to score 225+ Marks in upcoming INET Exam. This aim of scoring 225+ Marks can be accomplished only with the help of best INET Exam Books. If you are searching for single best book for INET Exam, then you are on wrong track. INET exam consists of 4 different sections which need specialized books for each section (So, that syllabus is completed to the point and in a smart way)
INET Exam Books 2020
If you will analyse the INET 2019 Question paper, many aspirants were not able to score good marks and eventually INET sectional and overall Cut off was reduced. But now we have previous question papers for the sake of reference. Our strategy as well as INET Books are designed considering the latest exam trends and weightage of each section in INET Exam. So, lets begin the guide on INET Exam Books 2020.
Best Books for INET Exam 2020 (Overview)
Let us first understand the INET Exam pattern and important sections so that best books for INET Exam can be suggested considering all parameters. INET written exam consists of 3 main stages:
- INET Written Exam
- SSB Interview
- Clearing SSB Medicals & Final Merit List
INET Written Exam Consists of 4 different sections as follows:
Subject | Number of Questions |
English | 25 Questions |
General Knowledge | 25 Questions |
Reasoning and Numerical Ability | 25 Questions |
General Science and Mathematical Aptitude | 25 Questions |
Total Questions | 100 Questions |
INET Exam Pattern 2020
- English
- General Knowledge
- Reasoning and Numerical Ability
- General Science and Mathematical Aptitude
INET Books for Maths Preparation
List of Important Topics for INET Maths (Numerical Ability):
- Simplification
- Number Series
- Algebra
- Profit & Loss
- Time, Speed & Distance
- Time & Work
- Percentage
- Ratio & Proportion
- Mixture Problems
- Number System
- Data Interpretation
- Average
- Permutation & Combination / Probability
- Interest
- Mensuration
Best Book for INET Maths:

Fastrack Arithmetic Book Arihant Publication: Click Here
Just make sure that you complete all the above important topics from Fastrack Arithmetic Book. I have recommended this book for INET because it consists of exercises with increasing order of difficulty. Due to which you can clear your concepts in intial exercise, get hold over the topic and then move on to diffucult questions.
Moreover, this book has Shortcut Tips to solve each time of arithmetic question in less than 30-35 seconds.
Also Check: INET Cut Off Marks (Previous Year Cut Off Analysis)
INET Books for GK Preparation
List of Important Topics for INET GK Paper (Awareness):
- Polity & Governance
- Geography
- Economy
- History
- Culture, Books & Awards
- Current Affairs
- Sports
- Defence
- General Science
- Countries and Capitals
- Important Dates and Days
- Science and Tech
Best Book for INET GK:

“Lucent GK Book” for General Awareness (Latest) : Click Here
In case of GK, you do not need any other sources. Lucent GK is best to solve 20-22 correct questions in GK section. Few questions like Military exercises, Capitals and Awards needs to be covered from monthly compilations. The book given above consists of following number of pages per each subject:
Number of pages of each topic given in this book (Back to back)
Subjects in GK Section | Number of Pages in Lucent GK book |
Indian History | 63 Pages |
World History | 15 Pages |
Geography | 41 Pages |
Indian Polity | 40 Pages |
Indian Economy | 41 Pages |
Physics | 25 Pages |
Chemistry | 22 Pages |
Biology | 26 Pages |
Also Check: INET Pattern 2020 (A to Z Exam Details!)
INET Books for Reasoning Preparation
List of Important Topics for INET Reasoning:
- Syllogism
- Blood relations
- Cubes and Dice
- Seating arrangement
- Venn Diagrams
- Clocks and Calendars
- Critical reasoning
- Number and letter series
- Analytical reasoning
Best Book for INET Reasoning:

Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning-RS Agarwal (Latest): Click Here
This is a giant book which contains A to Z verbal and non verbal topics under the sun. So, make sure you stick to only important topics which are mentioned above. I prefer Latest version of Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Book because it contains questions of various competitive exams which are conducted recently.
Also Check: INET Exam Syllabus (Chapter-Wise Weightage!)
INET Books for English Preparation
List of Important Topics for INET English Section:
- Passage (Comprehension)
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Grammar Punctuation
- Direct Indirect Speech
- Passive Active Voice
- Proper use of Pronoun
- Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
- Word substitution
- Select Gramatically Correct sentence
Best Book for INET English:

Focus on 3 sources for English Preparation (Not too easy!)
- English Grammar Book by Wren and Martin (Latest): Click Here
- Daily 2 editorial Reading from Indian Express/The Hindu
- Solving INET Questions from ‘previous year question papers’
INET English Preparation will be a gradual process which will need you to study basic rules and then move on to exam oriented questions. In order to solve more than 20 correct questions in INET Exam, you will need command over English Grammar Rules. This can be done effectively through Wren and Martin English Grammar Book.
Reading Editorials will not only help in solving “Passage questions” but also improve your sentence formation ability. It will also be helpful in other questions of INET English section.
Believe me guys, INET Exam is golden opportunity if you want to join various branches of Indian Navy. So, please do not take INET Preparation lightly. Even after knowing INET Books, its necessary to study important topics and revise them minimum 2 times before the actual exam. After watching the INET Strategy, if you still face any issue, do let us know in the comment section below.