Hello NDA aspirants, this article is specially for those aspirants who want to crack NDA written exam in 2 month preparation, that is, 60 days rigorous study (16th April 2023). I will provide 60 days study plan and best sources to focus in these crucial 60 days. It is for those aspirants who were not able to prepare for exam due to some reason and now want to focus on upcoming NDA exam which is 60 days ahead from today’s date. Also for those aspirants who came to know about NDA exam recently.
Before starting NDA exam 60 days study plan, I would like to tell you that I have made NDA exam detailed strategy for Maths paper, GAT paper and some specific tips to score high in English section of GAT paper. These strategies are full proof which need time of 8-9 months, and if done as per plan, it can yield 100% success. So, if you are aiming for next NDA attempt, go through these awesome articles for thorough study.
Let’s get back to 60 days strategy where we will give our 100% to clear individual cutoff (30%) and NDA written exam overall cutoff.
Begin with Previous Year Question Paper Analysis (Work Smartly)

Let’s get back to 60 days strategy where we will give our 100% to clear individual cutoff (30%) and NDA written exam overall cutoff.
Realistic goal setting for NDA 2 Month Strategy
Our aim is to clear written exam of NDA written exam with 370-400 marks. Scoring very high is not possible in this less period of time so we need to keep our sources very limited so that it’s possible to revise the books at least once before actual examination.
We will divide 60 days in “4 slots of 15 days each” for more specific study.
(1st 2 slots will be more dedicated on new learning of all subjects, while next 2 slots will be more dedicated for revision and question paper practice)
3 things you must know before starting NDA 2023 Preparation :
- You need to be highly dedicated for 60 days and there is no scope of procrastination.
- It’s difficult, but not impossible. Being a science student, you have some basic study done. We will focus only on NDA exam specific study in next 60 days.
- Quality of study matters from best sources specified in this article.
- If you are following this strategy, follow A to Z things told here (Its either 0 or 100)
NDA Preparation: Day 1 to Day 15 (Slot 1)

We will begin with NDA Maths preparation because if we are not able to clear individual cutoff of Maths paper, our GK paper will not even be checked. And NDA Maths preparation will be done from best source, that is, Mathematics for NDA and NA book- By RS Agarwal.
Maths Topics | Exact number asked in exam | Marks |
Differential calculus and integral calculus | 24-26 Questions | 60-65 |
Trigonometry | 20-22 Questions | 50-55 |
Algebra | 20-22 questions | 50-55 |
Statistics and Probability | 10-12 Questions | 25-30 |
Vector Algebra | 8-10 questions | 20-25 |
Analytical Geometry | 18-20 Questions | 45-50 |
Determinant and Matrices | 8-10 Questions | 20-25 |
Total | 120 questions | 300 marks |
These are the 7 main pillars which you need to complete in first 15 days. Each and every question of “Mathematics for NDA and NA- By RS agarwal” is designed from NDA exam point of view. So, your practice of questions from this book will be highly helpful.
It is difficult to cover this book in 15 days, but don’t worry…we are going to revise it again in slot number 3. Just make sure that you complete almost most questions of this book in first 15 days. (Very crucial time if you want to clear NDA exam)
Sequence of Chapters to study from this Book :
You do not need to begin study from page 1 of this book. If you will do so, you will end up leaving some really important chapters. Follow the following sequence of study:
- Differential calculus and integral calculus
- Trigonometry
- Analytical Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Algebra
- Statistics and Probability
- Determinant and matrices
(We have kept this sequence because difficult topics will be covered faster when the enthusiasm will be high and later topics like Algebra, Statistics Determinant and Matrices can be done in very less time period)
Latest Edition of “Mathematics for NDA: By R S Agarwal” is available here.
(It is recommended to study from latest edition as “Latest NDA exam questions” are added after every attempt)
In first 15 days, along with Maths study, you also need to dedicate daily 1 hour for English study to complete these 3 topics from NDA Pathfinder book where you will get theory as well as exam oriented questions for practice (along with detailed explanation of each question)
Also Read: How to crack NDA exam in First Attempt?
NDA Preparation: Day 16 to Day 30 (Slot 2)

After dedicated Maths study in first 15 days slot, we will completely dedicate next 15 days in NDA GK Section study as you need to score minimum 30% marks in NDA GAT paper too. Physics and Chemistry can yield you 180 marks in NDA GAT paper. So, we will choose to focus more on these two subjects (via NCERT Study) because:
- You are in 12th standard and are preparing for board exam too. So, NCERT will not be a new thing to you.
- Direct questions are seen from 12th NCERT for Physics and Chemistry
- We need to score at least 130+ score out of 180 in these 2 major subject which we have studied in 11th standard too.
So, our next 15 days preparation will begin with 12th standard NCERT books for Physics and Chemistry. (You will get time to revise it, so complete first reading and exercise solving very fast)
Other remaining subjects like:
History, Geography, General science (Biology): To be done from NDA Pathfinder Book : Arihant Publication.
Pathfinder book has specific sections of History, Geography and Biology which can be covered in 5-6 days if studied for 8-9 hours daily. (Using Pathfinder book for Physics and Chemistry is a bad idea. As higher level questions are asked in Physics and Chemistry)
So, Slot 2 of NDA exam preparation was completely dedicated for GAT preparation. (day 15- day 30) we have completed 12th physics and Chemistry NCERT books (4) and History, Geography and Biology section.
Latest books which you will need for GAT preparation:
- Latest “NDA and NA pathfinder book” by Arihant
- 12th Physics NCERT book (Part 1)
- 12th Physics NCERT book (Part 2)
- 12th Chemistry NCERT book (Part 1)
- 12th Chemistry NCERT book (Part 2)
NDA Preparation: Day 31 to Day 45 (Slot 3)

In slot 3, we are not going to study anything else. Things to do in “day 30 to day 45” of NDA Exam preparation.
- Revise “Mathematics for NDA and NA Book” and complete topics which were left out in slot 1.
- Revise NDA GAT paper sources which we have done in slot 2 and cover remaining sources
Do not consider this stage as rest period. You will recall only those things which you have revised. So, be highly alert during revision phase.
Along with revision, complete remaining 3 topics of English section of GAT Paper (from Pathfinder book) which can yield you 80-90 marks with little extra efforts.
- Comprehension
- Spotting the error (will need some efforts)
- Fill in the Blanks
So, we have almost completed the NDA syllabus and even revised in first 45 days of NDA exam preparation. Now, its time for last 15 days before examination.
(be highly focused and do strict time management to crack NDA exam in 2 months)
Also Read: NDA 1 2023 Result (Expected Date released !)
NDA Preparation: Day 46 to Day 60 (Slot 4)

Last 15 days of preparation will be dedicated for question paper solving of both papers of NDA written exam (Maths and GAT) that too in time constraint. It will remove the fear of exam as well as make you exam ready. Your 45 days preparation on one side, and these 15 days preparation on 1 side.
You need to take 10 time based tests of NDA Maths paper and NDA GAT paper in first 10 days.
For example: On day 46, you will take Maths Test from 9:30 AM to 12:00 noon and GAT paper from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. (after completing test, check answers and see where you are going wrong and study that topic again. Do this for Maths as well as GAT paper)
(Note: For test, you will need NDA exam previous year papers which are available free of cost on www.upsc.gov.in )
You need to repeat this for 10 days, and believe me, you will see marks increasing in every test.
Test will be conducted 5 hours of a day.
Remaining time must be devoted in revision of Maths and GAT Syllabus as we done in the slot 2.
These 10 tests will be highly helpful in Maths paper as well as English section of GK paper.
Also Read: NDA SSB Medical and Physical Test
Conclusion of NDA Preparation in 2 Months
- Follow given strategy rigorously for 60 days. It’s tried and tested.
- Slot 1 and 2 may seem hectic, but you have ample time for its revision in next two slots.
- Make ‘60 days study chart’ and paste it on study table as a checklist.
- Don’t try to cover additional subjects. Instead do multiple revisions.
Hopefully your common doubt of “How to Crack NDA Written Exam in Two Months” is crystal clear.
And do not forget to share this article with your friends.Your comments and shares motivates Sarkaari Service Team to make such valuable content for you.
Jai hind !
Thanks sir for your best tips and tricks
Thanks Rahul for your valuable review. And if have any doubts, you can ask. Jai hind
Sir take this article for as pdf for download.
Ok. I will make this provision as early as possible
you said to prepare for idioms and phrases from Pathfinder book but there is nowhere idioms and phrases in Pathfinder
I have provided free PDF of Idioms and Phrases in AFCAT Current Affairs Article. Do check it out!
thanks alot sir it will heip me alot
Thanks alot for your review. Best luck for NDA preparation!
This is going to be my rutine from today onwards. This article helped me a lot , Tanks to sarkaari service team. Hope this will change my life. ☺☺☺
Thank you so much sir
This is very helpful for us.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your genuine feedback
Implementation matters
I am nda 2022 aspirant. Thank you so much sir ☺️. This is very helpful for me thanks a lot more.
Thanks for valuable words
It’s highly motivated…..✨
Thanks for your valuable words! Will never let you down
I have literally gone from 0 to 100 about NDA, thank you!!!
Thanks for your valuable words! Stay connected
Thanks a lot for this schedule sir. I am gonna follow this routine. May be it works for me.
Make it work for you. Stop not until the goal is achieved!
The information you’ve provided is quite useful. It’s incredibly instructional because it provides some of the most useful information. Thank you for sharing that.