Whenever we talk about results, we are excited as well as scared at the same time. And when its CDS result (Exam conducted by UPSC), our anticipation as well as excitement are maximum. So, let’s see important things you must know about CDS 1 2020 Result and important processes (SSB Registration) you need to do after clearing CDS written exam.
You can check CDS 1 2020 result here on Sarkaari Service as soon as it will be announced on upsc.gov.in
CDS 1 2020 Result: Latest News
CDS 1 2020 Result is Out!!
CDS Result PDF (Roll Numbers of Succesful Candidates): Download
CDS Result PDF (Names of Succesful Candidates): Download
Hello defence warriors, today we will talk about CDS result which is one of the most anticipated thing by CDS 1 2020 aspirants. Especially the aspirants wh have given CDS 1 2020 as their first attempt are too excited about CDS result. Instead of knowing just CDS result 2020 details, we will aim to understand A to Z details regarding CDS result and SSB interview dates so that you need not search about these terms in the near future.
Various questions like CDS result 2020 dates, CDS SSB interview dates, maximum time between CDS written exam and SSB dates, etc will be discussed in detail. I have taken questions from aspirants regarding CDS result and SSB dates because when we understand a particular topic in Question- Answer format, our understanding is maximum.
When is CDS 1 2020 result?
CDS 1 2020 Written Exam date: 2nd February 2020
CDS 1 2020 written exam was conducted all over India on the 2nd of February 2020. CDS written exam is declared on the 23rd of February 2020 in the form of:
- Roll Number of Successful Candidates
- Names of Successful Candidates
UPSC CDS result 2020 exact date
CDS 1 2020 result date: 23rd March 2020 (Highest possibility)
UPSC does not have any official schedule or date about CDS result. But considering the trend, all CDS result predictions are calculated. UPSC announces its CDS written exam result after 45-60 days after conducting a written exam.
The above-given date of UPSC CDS result is the most probable date calculated considering the UPSC CDS result patterns of the last 5-6 attempts.
What is the average duration between CDS result and SSB Interview?
If you will see CDS exam results before CDS 2018, CDS result was released between 45-55 days after CDS written exam. But if you will consider CDS result announcement pattern over the last 5 attempts, UPSC takes more than 52-55 days to release official CDS written exam result. CDS result has even been declared as late as 73 days after the written exam.
After declaration of CDS written result, AFSB starts in one month, SSB interviews of IMA and INA starts in around 2 months and SSB interviews of OTA are scheduled last.
I have also specified the reasons for the late CDS exam announcement at the end of this article.
When will the CDS 2020 result be announced?
CDS result is announced between 45-60 days, but it will be announced on somewhere around 23rd March 2020. I will recommend you to start preparation of SSB interview in full swing so that less time will be wasted in waiting for the announcement of CDS result.
And even you fail to clear CDS written exam this time, SSB preparation will be helpful in upcoming defence exam attempts.
How long after the CDS result do we receive the mail invitation?
Time taken to receive Mail Invitation depends on Academy you are aiming for. Time period between written exam to SSB interview is different for IMA, INA, AFA and OTA.
Call letters for AFA, IMA, INA are released earlier and call letter for OTA is released last. (As course of OTA commences 3 months later than IMA)

How should one prepare for SSB after declaration of CDS result?
Please do not wait for the declaration of the UPSC CDS result of written exam to start SSB interview preparation. SSB is not an exam, its a way of life. You need to change your lifestyle, bring improvement in your psychological thinking which can be done only if you indulge those things in your day to day routine.
You need to have a minimum 6 months plan for SSB interview preparation. I have made a detailed article on SSB interview preparation.
On the other hand, many aspirants don’t start SSB preparation even after the written exam. They waste too much time waiting for the written exam result and check cutoff predictions for CDS 1 2020 exam. (After CDS 1 2020 result is out, your major time must be spent in practice for SSB interview)
What is the maximum time duration between CDS written exam and CDS result announcement?
The maximum time duration between CDS Written exam and CDS result announcement is 73 days in the last 5 attempts.
I will like to tell you that you must be happy if the result is announced late as you get more time for SSB preparation. And you can prepare for SSB interview after written exam without thinking or worrying about results only if you follow CDS GK preparation, CDS Maths preparation and CDS English preparation articles.
Don’t neglect detailed strategies if you want flying colors in UPSC CDS result 2020
Registration on Join Indian Army After CDS result for SSB interview

Given above is the screenshot taken from Notification of CDS exam
After the CDS 2020 result of the written exam is announced, if you have cleared the CDS written exam, then you are supposed to register within 2 weeks of announcement of result on joinindianarmy.nic.in so that:
You have the chance of selecting the date for SSB interview
Even if you don’t register, your account will be created and you will be mailed (on the mail ID which you have given at the time of filling the form) with SSB center and dates. In this case, you need to just add bank details for refund of traveling allowance (if this is your first SSB Attempt)
But it’s better to be on the safer side and register within 2 weeks of written exam declaration.
Don’t worry, I will guide you in this whole process. Just message me after CDS 2020 result announcement.
Some important dates of UPSC CDS result 2020
2 important dates of UPSC CDS result must be noted, one of February’s attempt and the second of September’s attempt.
CDS 1 2020 result (Expected date) : 23rd March 2020
CDS 2 2020 result (Expected date): 5th January 2020
How to get CDS 1 2020 result on your mail/ Mobile?
You can get CDS 1 2020 result on your mail ID or mobile phone via text message. For that, you need to add your roll number and personal details in the comment section. We will send you your CDS 2020 result on your personal mail.
Conclusion :
Instead of being excited about CDS exam result, you must give preference to SSB Interview preparation. SSB preparation needs your quality time and good qualities and psychology is developed over a period of time. So, be an early bird in case of SSB interview preparation.
And Best of luck to those candidates who will be appearing for SSB interview after seeing their name in CDS 1 2020 result.
Jai Hind