Hello SSC CHSL aspirants. We have completed SSC CHSL Preparation Strategy for Tier 1 and now back with the Tier 2 strategy. Overwhelming response to the “Tier 1 Preparation Strategy” motivated us to make detailed strategy for SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam. Now, its your duty to do self preparation as per detailed strategies provided by SSC CHSL Toppers.
SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation (Descriptive Paper)
During preparation of SSC CHSL Exam, it is seen that aspirants focus only on Tier 1 exam and neglect tier 2 Preparation. As a result of which they fail to clear final merit List. So, its necessary to study for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Exam of SSC CHSL Exam in comprehensive manner.
In this article, we will competely focus on SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation (which is a descriptive paper). So, your approach to Tier 2 Exam must be different than your Tier 1 approach. And if you will follow the things told in this strategy, no one can stop you from scoring 90+ Marks in SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam. So, lets begin.
SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern (Imp)
First step of SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation is to understand SSC CHSL Exam Pattern and Syllabus thoroughly. You must know the type, weightage and number of questions asked so that you can tackle exam strategically (doing ample practice of exam oriented questions)!
Topics | Word Limit | Time Allotted |
Essay Writing | 200 – 250 Words |
60 Minutes
(20 Minutes extra for PWD aspirants) |
Letter/Application Writing | 150 – 200 Words | |
Marks | Mode of Answer | Type of Paper |
100 Marks | Hindi/English | Descriptive |
Also Check: SSC CHSL Age Limit (Check Eligibility Criteria!)
Importance of SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam in the "Final Merit List"
Final Merit List is calculated considering Marks obtained in Tier 1+ Tier 2
Marks scores in SSC CHSL Tier 1 and Tier 2 Exam are considered to calculate final merit list. Maximum weightage is to SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam, but still 33.33% weightage is for Tier 2 Exam (100 Marks). So, please do not take SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Lightly.
SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation
SSC CHSL Tier 2 is a descriptive paper (Pen and Paper Mode). So, apart from knowledge which you have gained while studying for Stage 1, you need to develop skills like:
- Good Writing Skills
- Precise Writing
- Have Balanced Views/Onions on Current Affairs
- ‘Good Vocabulary‘ which will help you to express precisely in 150-200 words
- Good English Grammar
These things may seem easy and doable from single book, but thats not the case. Just Passing/Qualifying Tier 2 is not our aim.

Also Check: SSC CHSL Syllabus 2020 (Chapter-Wise Weightage)
Best Books for SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam
- Newspaper Editorial Reading (Indian Express recommeded)
- SSC CHSL Tier-II Descriptive Exam Practice Work Book
- SSC CHSL Tier-II Descriptive Exam Essay & Letter Writing Paper Work Book
Essay & Letter writing Descriptive Book for SSC CGL Tier III (can be used for SSC CHSL Exam also!)
Also Check: SSC CHSL Eligibility 2020 (Age Limit, Atempts, Relaxation)
Understand the Pattern of SSC CHSL Exam (All 3 Stages) and then make a personalized study plan to cover syllabus in 5-6 Months (With Revision!)

While SSC CHSL Preparation, your major focus must be on SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam, which constitutes of 200 Marks in Final Merit List. But it does not mean that SSC CHSL Tier 2 exam can be neglected. Instead I will recommend you that you must prepare for SSC CHSL Tier 1 and Tier 2 Exam in comprehensive manner. Topics of Letter Writing and Application writing needs ample practice. So, its better to start its practice today itself (from best sources given above!)
And if you still face any issues in SSC CHSL Preparation, do let our team know in the comment section below. Your doubts will be solved within 24 hours!