We are back with Exam pattern of SSC CHSL Exam which is considered as one of the most competitive exams in India. This exam enables aspirants to get government job in various departments and ministries of Governmnet of India. So, we will analyse the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern in detail. Because once the pattern of SSC CHSL Exam is well understood, you can prepare in more strategic way (Which is the need of this exam)!
After reading this detailed article on SSC CHSL Exam Pattern, all your doubts will be crystal clear and you will be well equiped to start the preparation. So, lets begin.
What is SSC CHSL Exam?
SSC CHSL Stands for:
- SSC: Staff Selection Commission
- CHSL: Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2)
You can understand much about SSC CHSL Exam from its full form itself. This exam is conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for recruitment of male and female aspirants in various departments of government.
‘Combined Higher Secondary Level’ states that you need to be 12th Pass (10+2 Level) to be eligible for this exam. Arts, Commerce and Science students are eligible for various SSC CHSL Posts. These are the common posts recruited through SSC CHSL Exam:
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)
- Data Entry Operator (DEO)
- Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA)
- Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2020
I have seen that many aspirants that SSC CHSL Exam very lightly. They do not understand the SSC CHSL Exam pattern considering it similar to other similar exams. But thats not the case. We need to be highly specific and target oriented while preparation.
SSC CHSL Exam is conducted in 3 Stages:
Levels | Type of Exam | Mode of Conduction |
Tier – I | Objective Multiple Choice | Computer Based (online) |
Tier – II | Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi | Pen and Paper mode |
Tier – III | Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test | Depends on post you have applied |
Final Merit List is calculated considering Marks obtained in Tier 1+ Tier 2
Why is it Necessary to Understand SSC CHSL Exam Pattern?
- More than 30,00,000 aspirants apply for SSC CHSL Exam each year.
- Only 1.66%, means roughly 50,000 manage to clear the Stage 1 (Tier 1 Exam)
- Not more than 0.20% aspirants make it in the Final Merit List!
So, considering the competitive nature of the exam, it becomes necessary to understand SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2020 in detail and prepare a personal study plan considering our strong and weak areas. (That too from best Books recommeded by toppers!)
What are the exact stages of the SSC CHSL Exam?
I have given a infographic of SSC CHSL Exam Pattern so that understanding Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Pattern becomes easy.
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2020

Tier 1 and Tier 2 of SSC CHSL Exam are applicable for all the posts. Tier 3 (Skill/typing Test) depends on the post you have applied for. Let us now discuss each Tier of SSC CHSL Exam in detail.
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier 1
SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Pattern consists of 4 sections: General Intelligence, General Awareness, Aptitude and English (25 Questions from each section)
Sr. no | Sections | No of Questions | Marks | Exam Duration |
1 | General Intelligence | 25 | 50 | 60 minutes (20 Minutes Extra for PWD candidates) |
2 | General Awareness | 25 | 50 | |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) | 25 | 50 | |
4 | English Language (Basic Knowledge) | 25 | 50 | |
Total | 100 | 200 |
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier 2
- SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam is Descriptive Paper (Pen and Paper Mode)
- SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam is of 100 Marks.
- Time alloted for Tier 2 Exam is 60 Minutes.
- You need to write an Essay of 200-250 words and Letter/Application of 150-200 words.
- SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam is qualifying in Nature. Means only 33% Marks are need to clear the exam. But you must aim to score high marks because it counts in Final Merit List.
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier 3
SSC CHSL Tier 3 is Qualifying in nature. Marks scored in Tier 3 will not be considered in calculating the Final Merit List.
Tier 3 consists of Skill Test/Typing Test:
- Time duration for Typing Test is 15 minutes (30 minutes for PwD)
- In typing test, you must have a speed of 30 words per minute (for Hindi Medium) and 35 words per minute (for English Medium)
- This test is applicable only for selective posts.
You must devote at least 4 months of time for SSC CHSL Exam Preparation. Now, you have the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for all the 3 stages. 4 tips you must follow to clear SSC CHSL Exam in First Attempt:
- Read article on SSC CHSL Detailed Strategy (with important Books) which is available on our website.
- Prepare a personal study plan based on your strong and weak areas.
- Try to cover whoel syallabus in 45-50 days so that maximum time can be devoted for practice.
- Practice, Practice and Practice (No Option!)
And if you still have any doubts related to exam pattern of SSC CHSL Exam, do let our team know in the comment section below.