Let us begin with the most important stage of SBI PO exam, that is, SBI PO Mains Syllabus 2022. Stage 1 of SBI PO exam is qualifying in nature. While marks of SBI PO Mains and GD & Personal Interview are considered while calculating the Merit List. Moreover, highest weightage of marks is for Mains examination (200 Marks). So, it becomes very crucial to understand SBI PO Mains Syllabus and be aware about SBI PO Mains Topic-Wise Weightage.
Just knowing the Syllabus of SBI PO Mains Exam will take you nowhere. But if you will manage time as per topic-wise weightage of SBI PO Exam, then no one can stop you from clearing the cut off with flying colors. Sarkaari Service has done analysis of previous year question papers and important topics of SBI PO exam. So, you just need to study from the best sources and revise the topics till you master them.
SBI PO Mains Syllabus 2022
Before beginning with the syllabus of SBI PO Mains exam, let us have an overview of Mains Exam Pattern. Having bird’s eye view of mains exam will help you to understand SBI PO Mains Syllabus 2022 in more comprehensive manner.
Sections of SBI PO Mains | Number of Questions | Marks Allotted | Time Duration |
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude | 45 | 60 | 60 Minutes |
Data Analysis and Interpretation | 35 | 60 | 45 Minutes |
General Awareness (Economy and Banking Related) | 40 | 40 | 35 Minutes |
English Language | 35 | 40 | 40 Minutes |
Total | 155 Questions | 200 Marks | 3 hours |
Number of Questions and Marks Alloted for Each Section:
SBI PO Mains Syllabus for English Language
List of SBI PO Syllabus Topics for English Language (Mains):
- Reading Comprehension
- Grammar
- Verbal Ability
- Vocabulary
- Sentence Improvement
- Word Association
- Para Jumbles
- Error Spotting
- Cloze Test
- Fill in the blanks
- English Comprehension
- Sentence Connector
- Tripple Filters
- Para Jumble
- Close Test
- Sentence Correction
- Sentence Completion
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Odd Man Out
SBI PO Mains Syllabus for General Awareness
List of SBI PO Syllabus Topics for General Awareness (Mains):
- Banking Terminologies Knowledge
- Banking Awareness
- Financial Awareness
- Static Awareness
- General Knowledge
- Current Affairs
- Banking Awareness
- Financial Awareness
- Static Awareness
- Banking Terminologies Knowledge
- Basic GK
- Current Affairs
SBI PO Mains Syllabus for Reasoning
List of SBI PO Syllabus Topics for Reasoning (Mains):
- Syllogism
- Verbal Reasoning
- Circular Seating Arrangement
- Linear Seating Arrangement
- Blood Relations
- Critical Reasoning
- Ordering and Ranking
- Code Inequalities
- Data Sufficiency
- Coding-Decoding
- Double Lineup
- Scheduling
- Directions and Distances
- Input-Output, Analytical and Decision Making
- Verbal Reasoning
- Coding-Decoding
- Direction and Distance
- Blood Relation
- Order and Ranking
- Analytical Decision Making
- Code Inequalities
- Syllogism
- Scheduling
- Double Line Up
- Floor Puzzle
- Machine Input Output
- Sitting Arrangement
- Data Sufficiency
SBI PO Mains Syllabus for Data Analysis and Interpretation
List of SBI PO Syllabus Topics for Data Analysis & Interpretation (Mains):
- Line Graph
- Tabular Graph
- Bar Graph
- Data Sufficiency
- Let it Case DI
- Permutation and Combination
- Pie Charts
- Charts & Tables
- Missing Case DI
- Radar Graph Caselet
- Probability
SBI PO Mains Syllabus for Computer Aptitude
List of SBI PO Syllabus Topics for Computer Aptitude (Mains):
- Computer Abbreviation
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Computer Hardware
- Microsoft Office
- Computer Software
- Computer Fundamentals
- Number System
- Operating System
- Basic of Logic Gates
- Memory
- Internet
- Networking
Also Check: SBI PO Age Limit (Check eligibility for Upcoming Attempts!)
Remember 3 important things about SBI PO exam:
- Type of Questions in Mains are difficult and challenging to solve in limited time.
- If you have not practiced each topic of syllabus multiple times, then you cannot clear even the cut off marks.
- SBI PO Mains score will determine whether you will make it or not.
- Study for SBI PO Prelims and Mains in integrated manner for more effective study.
In this article, we have discssed SBI PO Syllabus for Mains exam in detail manner along with topic-wise weightage. So, utlilize this analysis utmost to be Probationary Officer in SBI. And if you still have any doubts related to SBI PO Syllabus 2022, do let us know in the comment section below. Your doubts will be cleared within 24 hours.
Sir/ Mam
The chart for di & computer’s topic wise weightage is missing
Will update it