Hello 10th aspirants, are you here to check SSC Result 2020 Maharashtra Boad? then you are on right place. You can check 10th SSC Result 2020 on our website. But before that, I would request you to read the whole article because you can check maharashtra SSC Result in multiple ways, that is, with roll number, without roll number, with your full name,with your school name and disctrict, directly on your personal mail ID,etc and you can get 10th SSC Result 2020 directly on your mobile phone via SMS. So, keep patience till end of this article.
All your doubts related to Mah SSC Result 2020 will be crystal clear and you will get your 10th SSC Board result 2020 pdf at the end.
Latest News: 10th SSC Result Date 2020 (Announced Now!)
10th SSC Result 2020
Maharashtra government releases mahresult.nic.in 2020 SSC Result in first week of June 2020, that is, between 1st june to 7th June every year. And the same has happened this time. In fact, if you will compare 10th SSC Result of Maharashtra Board for previous few years, this time SSC Result 2020 was released few days early which is a good news for you.
10th SSC Board releases the statistics of percentage of passing students in SSC 2020 exam few hours actual release of SSC result. You can check many statistics of 10th SSC Result 2020 like:
This 10th SSC Result 2020 Guide will be a one stop solution for all above points mentioned related to 10th Standard Result.
SSC Result 2020 Maharashtra Board

More than 18 lakh aspirants gave 10th SSC Exam 2020 which was held in March. Result of these many aspirants is released now on mahresult.nic.in 2020 SSC Result. Let us see some statistics of Pass Percentage of girls and boys in 10th SSC Result 2020.
10th SSC Result 2020 Passing Percentage (Boy's vs Girls)
- Girls (84.79%)
- Boys (73.69%)
As usual, girls have topped the 10th SSC Board passing percentage by beating Boy’s by big margin of more than 10 percentage.
District-Wise Analysis of 10th SSC Result 2020
- Pune (84.48%)
- Konkan (89.21%)
- Nagpur (69.27%)
- Mumbai (74.32%)
Maharashtra SSC Result 2020 Declared or Not?
10th SSC Result 2020 Maharashtra board is declared on various websites of State Government, “mahresult.nic.in 2020 result” being one of them. I am recommending to check 10th SSC Result on mahresult.nic.in because you will get your 10th SSC result in just 2 simple steps. (with roll number and mothers name)
Look at the screenshot of 10th standard SSC Result 2020 announcement notice from official website of state government:

10th SSC Result 2020 Maharashtra board is declared on 6-7 government websites, but easiest and fastest way to check mahresult nic 2020 is via this platform. On mahresult.nic.in you need your:
- 10th SSC Roll Number
- Mothers Name
But if you want to check SSC 10th result 2019-20 with other details like full name, school name and disctrict, you need to access other websites which will be listed below in this article.
How to Check 10th SSC Result 2020 (Step by Step Process)
Now let us see step by step process to check 10th SSC Result 2020 as soon as result is declared on mahresult.nic.in 2020.
STEP 1 : Visit “www.mahresult.nic.in” for SSC March Result 2020.

STEP 2 : Click on “Check 10th SSC Result 2020 (March)”
You have to add your “10th SSC Roll Number” and your “Mother’s Intial name” and click on View Result Tab.

STEP 3 : You will get yout 10th SSC result 2020 and marks of all subjects. Your percentage will be calculated considering “Best of 5 rule”. You can take a print out of your result or even get “pdf copy” which can be saved offline.
Check 10th SSC Result 2020 Now
Now, you have exact process to get SSC Result 2020 on Maharashtra Government website “Mah SSC Result 2020“. There are also other websites where MSBSHSE 10th SSC Result 2020 is released which will be listed in next section.
Websites to Check 10th Result 2020 Maharashtra Board
Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:
Website 4:
www.results.gov.in (10th and 12th Result)
Website 5:
Website 6:
Maharesult.nic.in 2020 SSC Result

10th SSC Result 2020 can be checked on various parameters like Overall Performance, Grade-wise Perormance, Sex-wise performance, Subject-Wise Performance and Percentage wise performance of 10th Maharashtra board ( MSBSHSE Board Result 2020)
10th SSC Result 2020 Overall Performance :

10th SSC Result 2020 Grade-wise Performance:

10th SSC Result 2020 Sex-wise Performance :

10th SSC Result 2020 Subject-Wise Performance :

10th SSC Result 2020 Percentage wise performance :

10th SSC Result 2020 District wise performance :

Why Mah SSC Result 2020 is declared late this time?
Yes, the main reason is COVID-19 Outbreak in Maharashtra. Maha SSC Result 2020 (10th result) is declared late by Maharashtra SSC Board. This year, almost all results are declared comparatively late like HSC result, MHT CET Result, etc.
So, its good that you have received 10th SSC Maharashtra Board result 2020 earlier so that your admission process will begin as early as possible.
Check Maharashtra SSC Result 2020 with Name
You can check your Maharashtra SSC Result 2020 with full name in “pdf result” which is accessed school-wise and district wise. Every school recieves this pdf copy. So, you can check your ssc result 2020 with full name from your respective school.
Check Maharashtra SSC Result 2020 without Roll Number
It is next to impossible to check Maharashtra SSC Result 2020 without your roll number. This provision has been kept by SSC Board to maintain privacy of marks of each SSC Baord candidate. So, if you have lost your 10th SSC Roll number, then do collect it from your school and check your SSC Result 2020 on mahresult.nic.in
Get 10th SSC Result 2020 on SMS
You can get your 10th SSC result 2020 on you mobile phone via SMS. For that, you just need to comment below:
- Your Full Name
- SSC Roll Number
- Mother’s Name
- School Name
Get 10th SSC Result 2020 on mail ID
Procedure of getting 10th SSC Result 2020 on mail ID is also the same. Just comment your personal details, school name and disctrict name in the comment section below.
These were few measures taken by sarkaari service to check 10th SSC Result 2020 Quick and Fast.
SSC Maharashtra Board 2020 (Time Table)
There are many private websites giving 10th SSC Board 2020 timetable. But official wesbite on which you will get timetable as well as SSC result is “mahahsscboard.maharashtra.gov.in“

1211-New English school , vadgaon-maval
Mothers Name? Will upate you once result is declared.
Jai Hind