
Study Plan

to score 150+ Marks in CDS 2 2021 Exam

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Guaranteed Success in CDS Exam with Week-Wise Study Plan, 25+ Syllabus based Tests, Monthly Current Affairs PDF, A to Z Free Sources and Personal Guidance!

Even if you start preparation today (beginner),
you can score 150+ Marks with this Week-Wise Study Plan!

Reviews speak louder than Promises

How to use Week-Wise Study Plan? (Explanatory Video)

“More Focus on Smart Study”

Study from Best Sources
No Compromise on Quality!
Well designed 16 Weeks
All Books & Material in PDF
Monthly Current Affairs PDF
Ample time for Revision
Best for Beginners
Time based Study

Begin with simple NCERTs and then approach Advanced Books!

‘3 Weeks Study and 1 Week Revision’ = Mantra for Success

Our Features

Week-Wise Detailed Study Plan

A to Z Preparation Books PDF

Monthly Current Affairs


Weekly Mock Tests


Best Online Sources to Study


Free Sources for SSB Interview (E-book)


Latest Study Material via Telegram Group


Personal Guidance


Full Syllabus Mock Tests


24*7 Email Support

Step by step process to enter course (complete guidance)

Reviews speak louder than Promises

Want to join ‘Academy’ of your choice?


CDS Exam Cut Off has seen a drastic increase in the last 2-3 attempts (due to increasing competition). So, you must aim to score 20-25 marks above cut off to find your name in ‘Final Merit List’ of the Academy of your choice!

Week Wise Strategy to Change your Life!

Studying from a Single Book?

❌ That time has Gone ❌

Considering the increasing competition and increasing difficulty level of the paper, You cannot prepare from a single static book. We need to refer to the best sources for different subjects like 11th & 12th NCERT books, few chapters of M Laxmikanth  and important chapters from some reference books. Moreover, you need to practice multiple MCQs for scoring really good marks.

Is your Ultimate aim to join ‘Officers Training Academy’ (OTA)?

Then you are on the best platform. Because you need to prepare only for GK and English Paper of CDS Exam which is our strong area. So, make sure that you start following the Week-Wise Study Plan as early as possible.

How to Proceed After getting the PDF Copy?

(This E-Book contains A to Z Online sources where you can study each and every topic in detail. So, this is definitely ‘One stop Solution’ for CDS aspirants)

Highly Recommended for those Aspirants:

“I am 200% ready to make your dream come true.

Just need 100% input from your side!”

Stop Worrying about Silly Things like:

We are here to solve all these problems.

You just focus on ‘Preparation’ and nothing else!

Are you too Worried about SSB Interview Preparation?

Though this Week-Wise CDS Preparation Strategy is specially for Written Exam Preparation, we will also provide you with free online sources and best ebooks, PDF’s which will guide you in your SSB Preparation (We are also aware about importance of SSB!) So, enroll before it's too late!

‘If you will compromise on Self-Preparation,

you will compromise on your dreams’ (Sad but True)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Initial few weeks consist of Basic Books and comparatively easy books. So, you can do it in less time.
  2. Moreover if you have some basics cleared, complete the initial few weeks syllabus early, give respective tests and proceed ahead.
  3. In the strategy, we have Mathematics Playlists, GS Playlists and English Playlists. Have a look at them and start watching them at least 1-2 hours on a daily basis.
  4. Read the whole ebook first, all your doubts will be cleared. 
  5. Just Begin the preparation, you will get to know how to proceed.

Till upcoming CDS Exam, that is, 14/11/2021. But make sure that you make its maximum use for the next 2 attempts. Don’t make it a 5 Year Plan!

No need to skip. But if your basic study is done, try to cover more syllabus in less time. But you have to go through the sources given in Week Wise strategy at least once

Unlimited times till you master it (Negative Marking included!)

No. This is a well crafted strategy, not spoon feeding. Majority of our preparation will be from NCERT and a few reference books of CDS. I will also provide some notes and important topics to cover on telegram group, but it will be value addition, not substitute

Maximum questions in CDS Exam are asked from NCERT + Imp chapters of few reference books which is our core area of study. I have cleared the CDS Exam 4 times, so I know what is important and what is crap. So, maximum CDS Syllabus will be smartly completed with this study plan, be assured about that!

And about Telegram Group daily targets, 8 direct questions were asked in CDS 2 2020 Exam (I have given its proof in the latest youtube video. Check it once!)

We don’t misguide aspirants. Frankly speaking, you will get guaranteed success if you are ready to work hard. And this plan demands daily 5-6 hours of study for 16 weeks (We are not like other coaching institutes to give fake promises) You have to earn stars!

If you are a complete beginner, then you can complete CDS Preparation in 16 weeks with this study plan. If your basic stuff is done, you can complete it in comparatively less time. It depends on how dedicated you are!

Watch this Step by Step explanation video. All doubts will be cleared :https://youtu.be/8kTBYDJzzCY

CDS Preparation Detailed Strategy + Guidance

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